Above: The Town issued a survey to try to identify times (and details) that matter most for getting voters to participate in the next Town Meeting. (images from Town website and survey)
The Town of Southborough is asking residents to weigh in on how the Town should schedule its Special Town Meeting this fall.
The survey deadline is this Thursday, June 13th.
Thanks to my delay in getting the word out to readers, that is a short turn around. Fortunately, it is a very short survey. It should only take you 1-2 minutes.
Here is the Town’s announcement from the website:
We want YOUR input on the timing of our upcoming Fall Town Meeting! TAKE THE SURVEY
We’ve heard from many of you that the current schedule might not be the best fit, and we’re committed to making it as convenient as possible. To help us find a time that works for most, we need your feedback!
Tell us when YOU think the Fall Town Meeting should happen. Your opinion matters!
Click here to take our survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Fall2024TownMeeting
**Survey closes June 13th, so please take it as soon as you can!