Plant Sale added to Native Pollination Preservation Garden Tour (Updated)

Above: A sale of plants to support native pollinators has been added to Saturday’s tour of gardens encouraging the public to view native plants and learn about the  benefits of planting them at home. (image of flyer)

Last week, I posted about native garden tours being held this Sunday. The Open Space Preservation Commission announced that they have now added a native plant sale to the event.

Plant sale flyer croppedAs I previously wrote, the June 23rd tours will start at the pollinator garden at the Southborough Library. (That event will also include highlighting alternatives to traditional lawns). Participants will be invited to check out the rain garden at the newly built Heritage Park next door.

That event begins at 11:30 am. The plant sale will start before it at 11:00 am.

Click here for the full details on the garden tours, including the 1:00 pm tour of  Beals Preserve’s pollinator garden.

As for the plant sale — vendors will be selling Perennials for $5-10 and Shrubs for $15-20.

Though it isn’t specified, I assume that you will get a chance to learn more about plants being sold (and see some of these thriving) during the tour.

The flyer lists the plants for sale “(subject to change)”. Each is apparently a native plant Dr. Gegear* has identified as “preferred by imperiled bee and butterfly species”.

For some of these, you can look up in advance details previously posted by OSPC. The ones bolded below were part of the committee’s seed sow program this past winter. You can look them up here to learn more about bloom times, sun/shade requirements, and which pollinators they support and more:

  • Swamp Milkweed
  • Purple Milkweed
  • Butterflyweed
  • Mad dog skullcap
  • Common Selfheal
  • Northeastern Beardtongue
  • Showy Goldenrod
  • White Turtlehead
  • Golden Alexander
  • Pennsylvania Sedge
  • Fringed Sedge
  • Spotted St. John’s Wort
  • Lance Leaved Violet
  • Northern Bush Honeysuckle
  • Yellow Wild Indigo
  • Roses-Virginia, Swamp, Carolina
  • Viburnum-Maple Leaf, Witherod
  • Flowering Raspberry
  • Blueberry-Highbush, Lowbush
  • White Meadowsweet
  • Steeplebush
  • Shrubby St. John’s Wort
  • Buttonbush
  • Willows by order
*”Beecologist” Dr. Robert Gegear of UMass Dartmouth has been working with OSPC for almost a decade on studying and protecting endangered pollinators. You can read more about that here.

Updated (6/21/24 9:43 pm): I incorrectly referred to the event as taking place on Saturday. It is this Sunday.

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