Reminder: State Primary is Today

With all of the media focus on the presidential race, it today’s primary may have slipped past many readers’ radar. So here is my refresher on the key details.

Voting is until the Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian primaries, for candidates for regional/state offices to qualify to be on the general election ballot in November.

To vote in-person, go to the gym (side entrance by the outdoor track) at Trottier Middle School (49 Parkerville Road). Voting is until 8:00 pm, today, Tuesday, September 3rd.

Southborough Ballot Drop in BoxIf you applied to vote by mail, it’s too late to use the post office and you can’t bring it with you to the polling location. So, make sure to drop it in the Town’s election drop box outside the Town House (17 Common St) before 8:00 pm today.

Details for each Party

If you are a member of one of the official parties recognized for this primary, you can only vote on their ballot.

But, if you are unenrolled in a party, you can choose which primary ballot yuo want. That also extends to the “third party” political designations (Green, Rainbow, etc) that didn’t meet the threshold to be treated as a party this time. (Although Libertarians were in that designation category in 2022, this year they are one of the official three parties that has its own ballot.)

Below are details on who is competing for Southborough’s votes in the primaries. (I inserted links to their campaign websites so you can research their positions.) Only Democratic and Republican parties have candidates officially running in on the ballots for our precincts.

The Democratic Ballot (click here)

The Dems have only one contested race on the Southborough ballots. It’s a repeat of a contest two years ago. Since no other parties have candidates listed on their ballots for the seat, whoever wins will likely be uncontested in the general election:

  • Governor’s Councillor – Third District The winner of this race will likely be uncontested in the general election. 

It looks like most of the other uncontested seats on the primary ballot will also be uncontested in the general election.

One exception is State Rep. Kate Donaghue. The Patch reports that a resident from Westborough, Boyd Conklin, has filed to run against her He isn’t on a primary ballot, since he is unenrolled with any official parties. (I was surprised to discover that for that office it only takes 150 signatures for a non-party candidate to quality to be on the state election ballot!)

The other race in the general is for the highest office on the state primary ballot. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren will be challenged by a Republican in her re-election bid. . .

The Republican Ballot (click here)

A three way race for the highest office on the ballot is also the only one positions with any candidates listed for Southborough voters to select:

The Libertarian Ballot  (click here)

There are no candidates, just write in slots. But, according to Hegarty, if the name you write in is a Democratic or Republican candidate, it will be counted as a blank. 

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