Above: MTC had announced a “brief” survey focusing on the questions voters will decide on September 30th. At the request of the Moderator and Select Board, the plans were quickly scrapped. (images of Town seal and online survey)
Updated (9/18/24 1:27 pm): The survey was quickly cancelled today.
A message from MTC Chair Matthew Probst explained, “The Moderator and members of the Select Board are concerned that the survey results might influence participation in the Meeting.”
The link now leads to a graphic that highlights that it was taken down and notes, “There is a legitimate set of concerns that the results could either A) negatively influence participation in Town meeting and/or B) bias the results.”
So, if you want to weigh in on the Articles, the only way to do that is also the only way that really matters in the end — show up on September 30th to cast your votes.
The Town is promoting a new survey in advance of the upcoming Special Town Meeting.
The Municipal Technology Committee is asking the community to weigh in by September 26th on Articles that voters will be asked to decide on the 30th.
MTC states that the survey should only take about 5 minutes. Results will be made publicly available on Friday, September 27th.
The questions bundle some of the Articles by topic, making for fewer questions than there are Articles on the ballot.
Twelve questions ask about voters’ support for or opposition to Articles. Another two simply ask a demographics question (whether you are a resident, registered voter, 18+ yrs old, and/or currently planning to attend the meeting) and to supply an email if you want the results sent to you.
(There will likely be even fewer votes to take at the actual meeting if the Moderator suggests a Consent Agenda that the hall approves.)
For those looking for more details on Articles, the Warrant is linked from the survey. To complete the survey, visit sboro.org now through Thursday, September 26th.
You can also find it and other meeting details (including info on bringing kids with you to the meeting) in my recent post here.
Updated (9/18/24 10:45 am): The survey was updated to ask about ages 18+ (instead of 17+).
I just went to look at the survey and it says “Due to concerns from the moderators and the select board, the Fall 2024 Town Meeting survey has been taken down”