Above: A private group on social media is encouraging more people to share their scenic pics. (contributed photos — see story for photo credits)
Southborough resident Jennifer Juliano launched a private Facebook group called “Scenes of Southborough” in early 2021. The purpose is for area residents to post their favorite photos of Southborough scenery, and enjoy the vistas that others have shared
It has taken off over the past 3+ years with about 1,200 members. Now, she is issuing another public invitation for more people to get on board:
Social media can be entertaining, and sometimes it can be draining. As it’s said “what you focus on is what you see”, sometimes just looking for the natural beauty around us or the fun scenes we see can be the quick fix we need. Years ago, I started a “Scenes of Southborough” album on my personal Facebook page of things I saw around town, and one day, I decided to open a whole page dedicated to it and let others contribute too. Now with well over 1.2k members of locals, past residents, and people who simply love the beauty of Southborough, we have daily contributions of budding photographers all around town. If you’re looking for a photo-only page that shows the positivity of my hometown and what others have or call Southborough their home, too, check it out! It’s discussion free and business-post free, so simply enjoy the scenery!
To ask for permission to join, click here.
Scrolling through recent photos on the site, I found gorgeous sunsets/sunrises, vibrant foliage, fog rolling over water, milkweed about to take flight”, frost tipped grass, wildlife, and tranquil landscapes. There were also some nightscapes and photos from community events.
I asked Juliano for permission to share a few photos as examples of what they can see if they join. Click on the thumbnails below for a better look at the photos she sent in:
(L-R above: photos by John Mauro, Kathy Gleason, Michael Middleton, and Sigrid Knemeyer)
Juliano noted that through questions in the comments, members often discover places in town they were unfamiliar with.
As for her experience organizing the group, she remarked:
It was a fun, easy, project to start and I am always happy to see when people use it or invite friends and family who used to live in town to see how it looks today. I rotate the cover photos periodically to keep things fresh and give some of the members display time if one of their photos particularly catches my eye and represents a very pretty scene in town.
Totally different vibe from many FB groups in general, and I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback from people offline about it as well.