Annual Kids Shop – Dec 7

Details on Troop 92's annual pop-up store where kids can holiday shop without prying eyes

Above: Kids shop then get gifts wrapped by scouts and volunteers while their family hangs back to give them privacy. (photos by Beth Melo)

As you start making plans for holiday shopping next week, keep in mind that the annual “Kids Shop” is coming up soon. Every year, the Boy Scouts offer kids a safe and fun environment to pick out inexpensive gifts for the family without parents’ prying eyes.

As usual, Troop 92 will be holding the event on the busy first Saturday of December. That’s December 7th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

They’ll be setting up shop again in the Parish Hall at St. Ann’s Church, 20 Boston Road.

The event is a popular one that lets children shop for unique, affordable gifts for their parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, babysitters, and even their pets.

Here’s how it works. Scouts will escort your kids through the “shop” set up in the cafeteria while you wait in the front reception area. The gifts they purchase will be wrapped (or gift bagged) and tagged by adults and scouts, so kids can keep everything a surprise.

While waiting, you can “relax with a cup of coffee and have lunch or a snack while you wonder what delightful presents you’ll be receiving!” Scouts and volunteers will be selling lunch, goodies, coffee, etc.

Of course, the surprise element is optional. You can also accompany your children and help them pick out gifts yourself if you prefer. Parents and grandparents are welcome to shop as well. Admission is free.

Below are a few pics I took at last year’s event:

Shopping at Troop 1's Kids Shop (photo by Beth Melo) Scouts help shoppers find items at Troop 1's Kids Shop (photo by Beth Melo) Treats and lunch for sale at Troop 1's Kids Shop (photo by Beth Melo)

For info on other Christmas or winter holiday events, click here.

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Jan Maguire
3 months ago

This is also a great opportunity for our older family members or those with memory issues to shop in a safe place. A smaller space to navigate, a helpful scout to show them around (or a family member) and free wrapping service are fantastic. Most items are below $20 and proceeds go to local charities. Win, win, win!!

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