Above: Gilleney, well known to the community through her work for the Town, is getting set to retire from the DPW (image cropped from contributed photo)
A reader reached out to me to ask me to share the news about the a popular, longtime Town employee who is about to retire.
On December 2nd, Bridget Gilleny will retire after 35 years working for Southborough. She started back in 1989 as the Superintendent of Cemeteries. Since then she has worked at the Transfer Station, and most recently in the DPW office.
You can read more about Gilleney from a post I wrote last year after Southborough Rotary named her one of their two honorees last year for service to Southborough.
Updated (12/27/24 5:33 pm): My apologies for the big typo in the story and even bigger one in the headline! (Her last name, as I wrote in the story, is Gilleney. And I initially wrote 25 instead of the 35 years that she has worked for the Town.)
As a resident of Southboro since 1984, I’d like to take a moment to say a big Thank You and Congratulations to Bridget Gilleney.
Ask anyone in town about her, and they will tell you her dedicated service to our town has been so appreciated. Her love for the town and the people here is unsurpassed throughout her 35 years!
Working with compassion at the cemetery for many years. Helping and listening while running the recycle center through thick and thin. Covid, Rain, Snow, Hot Summers, Plowing and so on.
And to boot.. one of the few women to ever work for the DPW. She will be missed.
Best of luck in your retirement!
I’m blessed to have gotten to know Bridget, who is so kind and warm-hearted.
Best wishes to Bridget in her retirement! Always had great conversations with her and she always followed thru on any issues and projects! Enjoy your retirement! Best wishes Deb and Mike Pojani!!
Congratulations on your recent retirement. We had some great conversations thru the years. You are the most pleasant person to talk to. I’ve been in this Town since 1971. Every time I saw you, you always had a great smile! I wish you all the best in your retirement.