Donate to help fulfill families’ Winter Wishes

The Winter Wishes program is in need of donations to help make winter months and the holidays happy ones for families struggling this year.

Southborough Youth & Family Services (and their friends) are again asking residents (who can afford to) to give a boost to families in town experiencing financial anxiety during a tough time of year.

The Friends of the Youth Commission asked me to share that they are still in need of donations to ensure they can help families that need support this winter. They are hoping to get donations in by this Thursday, December 5th*. (Since tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, it’s a good time to think about making a gift.)

The Friends of the Youth Commission will use donations to support SYFS’ Winter Wishes program. (Donations for can still be made after the deadline. They are just more helpful for this year’s program if they come in sooner.)

In the past, in addition to seeking financial donations, SYFS worked with community groups to solicit holiday gifts for member families. In recent years, they shifted to only receiving financial donations so they can empower parents to shop for their own children. (In my mind, parents are also better able to select gifts their kids want and need, which means more joy all around.)

Below is an explanation of the change, provided by SYFS Director Sarah Cassell. [Note: The deadline has already passed to qualify to receive aid through this year’s program.**]:

Residents/families who qualified for the program will receive gift cards through SYFS. 

Winter Wishes flyer 2024Donations to the 501(c)3 are tax deductible. To support Winter Wishes, you can pay:

  • via Vemmo (@FriendsSYC or using QR code in flyer) or
  • mail checks payable to Friends of SYC to 17 Common Street, Southborough, MA 01772.

To keep up on future FSYC fundraisers and news, follow them on Facebook here.

*Donations received after December 5th may be applied to this year’s program, or may also support other community needs, like SYFS’ Summer Camperships.

**The deadline to apply was October 25th. But, if you missed that and you/your family are struggling financially, please check SYFS’ website for details on all of their Needs Based Services and how to contact them about support.

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Kathy Cook
3 months ago

Thanks for sending this reminder. I am the Treasurer of the Friends of the Southborough Youth Commission Inc. (SYC). I am not sure why we are behind in donations this year. Maybe due to the late Thanksgiving. But we have 90 Sboro children that we want to support and have a long way to go to raise the needed funds.

Kathy Cook

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