Above: RSVP to attend the free community celebration of reading put on by Northborough – Southborough Public School librarians. (image cropped from fundraiser website)
A week from tonight is the NSBORO School librarians’ 2nd annual district-wide celebration of “the community’s love of reading”.
NSBORO Reads will take place on Tuesday, February 4th from 5:30-7:30 pm.
The free event will include guest readers, book raffles, crafts, games, prizes, photo booths and snacks.
The promos don’t say that registration is required, but they are asking people to RSVP to help them plan. (You can do that here.)
The celebration will take place at Algonquin Regional High School, 79 Bartlett St in Southborough. The latest flyer instructs attendees to enter through the doors by the cafeteria (at the front of the building).
The district promotes:
This fun-filled event is designed to celebrate reading as a community. Last year over 500 attendees enjoyed book bingo, bookmark making, a literary scavenger hunt, and more. This year’s activities will be expanded to include more community readers, green screen magic, and button-making. Thanks to generous support from our parent organizations, coupled with a grant from the Massachusetts School Library Association, this event will be totally free. . .
Last year was an overwhelming success and the District Librarians are hoping you will join them again this year. They would appreciate it if you would R.S.V.P. using this link so that they can plan accordingly. We are looking forward to a fun-filled evening.
According to the flyer, the event is made possible through support from the district’s parent organizations (SOS, APTO, and Northborough schools’ PTOs).