Above: The Town is giving residents a heads up on an item the Select Board may vote on Tuesday night, and why they might care about it. (image of Town promo)
The Select Board will discuss potential water rate changes at their next meeting on Tuesday night. The Town is publicizing the topic to allow concerned residents to be heard before they vote.
The notice refers to a discussion. But the agenda item is under a section that clarifies the board “may vote” on any of the items. (Based on past years, they may also push the vote to a future meeting if they feel they need more information.)
Typically, at this time of year, the board has discussed rate changes that can impact water used beginning in March. But, both the notice on the Town’s website, and the agenda, specify that it will apply to FY26 Water Rates. I’m not sure what the precise timing of a change would be, since the fiscal year (7/1/25 – 6/30/26) changes in the middle of a billing cycle.*
The News Flash on the Town website promotes:
Select Board Discussing Water Rates – Tuesday, February 4th
Understanding your water rates is essential because it directly impacts your household budget, helps you conserve resources, and ensures you’re informed about how your community manages this vital utility.
The Select Board and DPW will be discussing fiscal year 2026 water rates at their Tuesday, February 4th meeting at 7:00 PM. You can come in person at 17 Common Street or join through Zoom here: https://shorturl.at/Y4cYa
The discussion will include both the DPW Superintendent Bill Cundiff and Matt Abrahams, the consultant who has advised the Town on the rates for over 10 years. The meeting packet hasn’t been posted yet, so I don’t have details on what this year’s recommendation will be. (If their presentation/report is included in the packet posted between now and Tuesday evening, you should be able to find it later here.)
*Meter readings take place around the beginning of March, June, September, and December, with bills due two months later.