Above: Rotary is widening the scope of scholarships it offers for Southborough’s high school seniors. (images cropped from flyer)
The Southborough Rotary Club is again inviting Southborough residents who are high school seniors to apply for a scholarship. But this year, they are offering two options.
Students’ deadline to apply is in less than two weeks.
Rotary’s announcement explains:
High school graduation is quickly approaching, and college funding is likely at the forefront of the minds of college-bound students and their families. The Rotary Club of Southborough is proud to present two scholarships this year, creating more opportunities for our Southborough high school seniors: the annual Annie Laurie Satterfield Scholarship and our new Southborough Rotary Area of Focus Scholarship.
The “Annie Laurie Satterfield Scholarship” helps students planning to attend a Mass public college or university. (Applicants are judged on academic achievements and public service.) This year’s winner will receive $750/year for four years of school — a total of $3,000.
The new offering isn’t limited to state schools. But it does have other restrictions. The “Area of Focus Scholarship” will go to a student “who has a family situation experiencing day-to-day financial need”.
The catch is that the student must also plan to focus their education on one of the club’s Seven Areas of Focus for its charitable work. Those are:
- Promoting Peace
- Fighting Disease
- Providing Clean Water
- Sanitation, and Hygiene
- Saving Mothers and Children
- Supporting Education; Growing Local Economies
- and Protecting the Environment
You can read more about the causes, “including transformative projects the Rotary Club is involved in”, here.
That scholarship award is just a one year $1,000 scholarship. Rotary’s announcement states that the club is excited to launch the new program and “hopes to grow its impact and legacy over the upcoming years.”
To apply for either (or both), students should reach out to their high school’s guidance department for an application or or contact the Rotary Club of Southborough at RotarySouthborough@gmail.com. (Note: For Algonquin students, you can find the scholarships in Naviance by searching under scholarships for Rotary.)
Students’ deadline to submit their applications to their Guidance departments is March 2nd. (That gives Guidance Counselors time to get finalized applications with necessary attachments into Rotary by March 19th.)
The Awardees will be announced by April 20th.
In the announcement from Rotary, they also shared:
Rotary International, established in 1938, is committed to promoting peace, well-being, and practical solutions to global and local issues. The Rotary Club of Southborough, chartered in 1960, remains an active force in the community.
Please contact co-presidents Christine Narcisse or Carl Guyer at RotarySouthborough@gmail.com or visit www.SouthboroughRotary.com to learn more about serving in our community, projects the club is involved in, or joining the club. The club meets 3rd Wednesday at 7pm at the Southborough Public Library, and the 2nd Wednesday morning of the month at Mauro’s Village Cafe on Main Street at 7am.