The Town has several vacancies on Town committees that need to be filled. I’m spotlighting a few of the volunteer opportunities the Town has the greatest need to fill, and sharing an updated list of all of the openings.
At last week’s Select Board Meeting, the chair of the Capital Improvement & Planning Committee (CIPC) made a public plea for volunteers two fill two vacancies on the five member committee. Jason Malinowski referred to “tough decisions” the community will need to make and the important role the CIPC is meant to play in that process. He stressed:
given the level of decisions that this community is about to make and given the desire for people to have a say in them, come join us. . . we welcome a diversity of thought. We’ve always had that, and we need that now more than ever
In a later Select Board discussion during Tuesday’s meeting, two vacancies on the Conservation Commission were also highlighted.
The Cable Committee is also among those with two vacancies. In following up on its status, I learned the committee currently lacks the quorum needed to meet and continue its work.
Including those openings, there are over 30 real opportunities to serve on Town Committees.1 (Unless otherwise noted, there is one seat available and members are appointed by the Select Board):
- 21 Highland Future Use Committee
- Cable Television Committee – 2 seats
- Capital Improvement & Planning Committee – 2 seats
- Community Preservation Committee– 2 seats
- Open Space Preservation Commission Representative (which also has a vacancy)
- Citizen-at-large
- Conservation Commission – 2 seats (read more from their notice last year here)
- Economic Development Committee – 2 seats
- Golf Course Committee – 2 seats
- Master Plan Implementation Committee (MPIC) – (Appointed by the Planning Board)
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council
- Municipal Technology Committee – (Vacant seat is appointed by the School Committee)
- Open Space Preservation Commission
- Personnel Board (Appointed by the Moderator)
- PILOT Committee
- Recreation Commission (read more from their notice in the fall here)
- Southborough Cultural Arts Council – 2 seats (read more here)
- Southborough Public Accessibility Committee
- Southborough Scholarship Advisory Committee – 2 seats
- Southborough Stewardship Committee – 2 seats
- Recreation Commission Representative
- Citizen-at-large
- Taxation Aid Committee
- Trails Committee
- Wastewater Study Committee (read more here)
- Youth Commission
- Zoning Board of Appeals (Alternate member)
You can learn more about the opportunities by reading their sections of the Town website (here), which includes their responsibilities and links to recent agendas and minutes. For many, you can also view past meetings here.
To apply for any of the above open seats, click here.
(image of Town seal from Town website and hands edited from public domain image by Karen Arnold)
Updated (3/10/25 12:45 pm): The subtitle originally posted was accidentally leftover from a post last year.
- I didn’t include intentionally inactive committees. I also didn’t include the many specific jobs listed under the Emergency Planning Committee