Above: FSYC’s MMM fundraiser is especially “mad” this Wednesday, when they kickoff with two restaurants to choose from! (images cropped from flyers)
For the third year, Friends of Southborough Youth Commission are using the March Madness theme to raise funds for the Town’s camp scholarship program.
Throughout the month, the non-profit is partnering with local restaurants who kickback a portion of proceeds from participating customers.1
This year, the madness kicks off tomorrow (Wednesday, March 12th) with two choices (and timing that could allow some supporters to take part in both).
Mooyah in Northborough is holding a fundraiser starting at noon, and running through 9:00 pm. Panera in Marlborough is holding one from 4:00 to 8:00 pm.
Scroll down for more details on each of those events. But first, I’m sharing their Save the Dates for the rest of this month.
Stay tuned for details on the following fundraisers:
- Tuesday, March 18 (5:00 – 8:30 pm) — Mandarin in Westborough
- Wednesday, March 26 (3:00 – 9:00 pm) — Welly’s in Marlborough
- Saturday, March 29 (11:00 am – 8:30 pm) — Nan’s in Southborough
Now for tomorrow’s details:
To participate in the fundraiser, use the code NORTHBOROFUN when you order (either online or in person.)
Once again, that March 12th fundraiser will take place from 12:00 – 9:00 pm at their Northborough location (that’s at 10010A Shops Way in the Northborough Crossing plaza).
You can order online here or through the app. (If it’s your first time using the mobile app, you can also get free fries with your order.)
To participate in the fundraiser, show the flyer in person OR use the code FUND4U when you order online, through the app or at their kiosk.
Once again, that March 12th fundraiser will take place from 4:00 – 9:00 pm at their Marlborough location (that’s at 197 Boston Post Road, in the RK Centre plaza).
You can order online here or through the app.