Town briefs: Town House/Pilgrim church lot repaving, MBTA reminder, and Water report (Updated)

The Town has posted a few alerts this week worth sharing. I’m rounding them up.

Historic District photo contributed by Historical CommissionCommon Street parking lot paving project – starts Thursday

Construction barrels aren’t just for our roadways this month. The Town plans to put up barriers around the Common Street parking lot for the Town House and Pilgrim Church.

The original update posted this morning refers to reclaiming work starting tomorrow. A later tweet updated it will start this Thursday, June 27th. More work will continue through the weekend and into next week. Public Works has posted information on the construction schedule, access details and alternative parking.

Click here to open the notice with details.

The Food Pantry asked me to make clear that they are still open on Friday:

Clients are asked to parallel park along St. Mark’s Street on the Pilgrim Church lawn and use the Pantry door on that side of the building or the Pilgrim Church handicapped entrance also on that side of the building.

We will give assistance getting their groceries to their cars.

In case it wasn’t clear, neither facility is closed because of the paving. You just need to follow instructions for parking and access.

Commuter Rail sign (by Susan Fitzgerald)MBTA Fare Increase – starts Monday

The Town reminded commuters that mass transit increases are about to kick in:

On March 11, 2019 the MBTA Fiscal Management and Control Board voted to approve a fare increase of approximately six percent. This email is being sent as a reminder that the new fares will go into effect on July 1, 2019. Additional information may be found at the MBTA website link below.

Click here for the fare info. For more details, visit

image from MWRA Southborough Water Quality ReportWater Quality notices

The Town shared the 2018 Consumer Confidence (Water Quality) Report for Southborough. Click here to read it.

In February, the Town also shared a notice that it looks like I missed about mailers and doorhangers:

Water Sampling Solicitation
Please Be Advised

You may receive a packet in the mail with a vial for testing your drinking water. The company that is sending this, Aqualite Inc., is a company that sells filters for your faucets. The paperwork with the vial says that the company is working with the Town’s Water Department. The Town is not working with any companies to sample individual residences. To see the MWRA’s press release about these vials follow this link:

The MWRA and the DPW Water Division sample the Town’s water at specific locations throughout the system. Sampling data can be obtained at

The Town’s water is not filtered. To read about your water and in home filters follow this link:

Updated (6/26/19 7:26 am): Clarified that the Food Pantry, Church and Town House aren’t closed for the paving. See details above about the Food Pantry.

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5 years ago

Thanks to Beth and Karen for the town paving updates!

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