Coyotes surrounded woman and dog Sunday night in Southborough yard

Above: A small road off of Oak Hill Road in Southborough was the site of a resident’s frightening encounter with coyotes. (Note: The Google Maps red marker indicates the street, not the specific property)

Yesterday, Southborough Police are warning residents to be on alert for coyotes. The warning follows an incident on Sunday with aggressively behaving coyotes.

According to the SPD’s Facebook post, a resident and her large dog were surrounded by a coyotes in her backyard. The incident took place on Asaree Drive, off of Oak Hill Road. Fortunately, the pair was unharmed. The woman’s husband, armed with a broom, came to their rescue.

Police are now asking parents of small children and pet owners not to leave them outside without an adult:

Today we received a report of some aggressive Coyote behavior in town. A resident of Asaree Drive reported that she and her dog (an 85 lbs. Shephard Mix) were surrounded by four (4) Coyotes last night, while they were in the resident’s backyard. The Coyotes were not intimidated by the resident or her dog, and began to form up in a pack around them both. Her husband was able to chase them off with a broom, after observing what was going on.

This time of year is a very busy time for Coyotes. Breeding occurs in February; and in March, Coyotes look for areas to set up their dens. The female usually gives birth in April. They are very active before sunset until shortly after sunrise, and it’s not unusual for Coyotes to be out during the daylight hours in search of food.

As a reminder: Please do not leave your small children or pets outside, unattended, without adult supervision. Coyotes have been known to attack or take away(smaller) dogs and cats- even from within fenced in areas.

For more tips on “living with Coyotes”, please follow the link in our comments section below. Thank you.

The post was followed by the following links: Prevent Conflicts with Coyotes and About Coyotes

Wicked Local covered the incident, including comments from a wildlife expert who noted that the behaviour described was “concerning” and apparently unusual.

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