Main Street Update: Now working their way from Park St to Common St

I’m overdue in sharing the latest on the Main Street Reconstruction project. Last Thursday, the Town posted an update on work scheduled to begin yesterday:

Road reconstruction will re-commence on Main Street on Monday, July 6, 2020.

Work will generally move from east to west, starting at Park Street and moving toward Common Street and will generally consist of:

  • lowering structures in the street, then removing asphalt and the road base..
  • replacing the existing base with new gravel, installing the base layers of pavement and raising structures

The project is set to be completed by November 15, 2020 – work remaining to be done for the length of the project:

  • installing granite curb and installing gravel for sidewalks
  • installing sidewalks and driveway aprons
  • laying the top course of asphalt
  • painting, signs and landscaping

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Beth C
4 years ago

Did they hit a power line. Bc it looks like 200 National Grid customers are out.

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