Open discussion thread: Ask questions, share opinions

It’s time for another open thread. What’s on your mind this week, Southborough?

For those of you new to the blog, the open discussion thread is your place to ask questions, sound off on town issues, or share information with other readers. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  • Ask questions about programs in town or the town itself
  • Post a note about things that you’re selling or giving away, or things that you want
  • Share notices about upcoming events (Southborough or otherwise)
  • Register your thoughts on town issues or news stories
  • Point out interesting or helpful resources

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(photo by Susan Fitzgerald)

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3 years ago

For at least the last several months, I’ve heard heavy, multiengine, propeller-driven aircraft flying high over Southborough at least once a day, and sometimes more than that. My guess is that these are military transports headed to Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee. I’m just curious if others have heard the same thing, or if anyone has verified the nature of these flights.

3 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

Hi, Beth. It’s definitely a multi-engine heavy aircraft, not a helicopter. Three have flown over us this afternoon (Fri., May 7).

Sara, thank you. I have looked at Flightradar24, but military flights are generally not shown.

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard

I haven’t heard that but the app Flightradar24 will show you what is flying over you and the path. It’s really cool!

Kathryn C Korostoff
3 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Thank you Sara!! Just downloaded the app with the 2 week free trial. Very interesting!

Philip Robbins
3 years ago

On the subject of the fire dept wanting a tank truck I have a question for the fire chief. Will this truck carry a portable pool? With a pool on board a tanker wouldn’t just be used to directly supply a pumper with water. At a large fire, particularly a large brush fire the pool would be set up for pumpers to pump out of while the tanker and mutual aid tankers go to the nearest hydrant or pond to refill. I know this truck is another large expenditure after just approving a new pumper last year and I know some people will view it as extravagant. I think back to 2009 when the FD was looking at a ladder/tower truck which was $900,000. I heard people say that there was no need for it. My response was, “When you’re trapped on the second or third floor of your large house by fire in the middle of the night and there’s three feet of snow on the ground which would make it very difficult to get ground ladders to you, that ladder truck would save your life.” If a piece of equipment saves one life–your life–isn’t that worth the price tag? All this equipment and water main extensions or the lack of them also affects everyone’s property insurance rates. I’d also like to address my previous comment about staffing levels. If we were able to find the means to build a $25 million fire/police station and another $2 million for trucks, maybe it’s time to find the funding to increase the number of firefighters we have. Having four or five people on a shift is in my mind dangerous. If the ambulance is out of town and there’s a fire call, sending a couple of people into a fire situation is irresponsible. I don’t want to sound like I’m ignoring the police dept, which I’m sure could also use more staff, but fire safety has always been a priority with me.

Southern Breeze
3 years ago

Anyone else experiencing booms and thumps? We are down near the Finn school and for the last few days we have been get seismic activity and sound during the day and evening hours. Feels like large trucks driving by every few minutes or frequent small earthquakes accompanied by low level sound vibrations.

3 years ago

There have been some evenings when I’ve stood outside to try and discern where the sounds ( heavy machinery? ) I also heard were coming from…but haven’t figured it out.

Sounds to me like some kind of major construction activity….

Southern Breeze
3 years ago
Reply to  southsider

It was pretty loud last night between 8 and 11 or so. I stepped outside and got a distinct asphalt smell. Are they paving the Pike again perhaps?

3 years ago

Could it be the bridge replacement project ( and They’re doing a couple of bridges in Southborough right now with paving (etc.)…
I think one of the bridges being replaced is over by Finn.

3 years ago

Last year there was a couple hearings regarding tree removal around town. I still see dead/nuisance trees with tags on them from the DPW about removal. Any update on when this work will happen?

3 years ago
Reply to  Townie

Along the topic of trees, I noticed today that there was a tree in really bad shape in the Old Burial Ground, by the sidewalk. It’s an old pine, I think, that is completely hollow and looks like it’s ready to snap any day (split right up the side). Does anyone know how to report these things? It would be a shame for it to come down and damage the other nearby trees or other property when it does.

3 years ago
Reply to  Theo

I’ve noticed that tree as well. I’ve been meaning send an email to the DPW about it, so thanks for the reminder, I’ll do that this afternoon.

3 years ago
Reply to  Theo

Just drove by, the tree is now gone!

3 years ago
Reply to  Townie

some of those have come down recently in our part of town, so it’s in progress.

3 years ago

Any suggestions on local non-profits who might help in placing unwanted funriture or housewares in the homes of needy residents ( Soithborough or nearby ).

3 years ago
Reply to  southsider

Fresh Start Furniture Bank is in Hudson

3 years ago
Reply to  donate


3 years ago

If you take the new Survey for the town, beware of question 19. It does not give you the chance to answer “none at all”, when asking about setting your priorities for 5 future projects. If you select “none”, then it assumes you want to defund other areas of town for those projects. There was no place in the survey to say you want NO tax increase at all for any of those projects. And it does not allow you to go back and delete your response.

3 years ago

Hi Southsider, Fresh Start Furniture Bank in Hudson takes furniture, kitchen appliances, dishes, and a lot more. You can read about who is eligible to receive donations on the website.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mary

thanks, Mary

Jess Devine
3 years ago

St. Mark’s Road at the corner of Rt. 85 is constantly flooded and now has potholes. It’s a total mess to navigate. There have been utility trucks there lately (unsure if they are working on that issue or something unrelated) but the flooding continues. Anyone know if this is a Southborough DPW issue or who should be fixing this problem? Thanks!

Melissa Shields
3 years ago
Reply to  Jess Devine

They were trying to divert the pooled water yesterday and they filled the huge pothole in the middle of the road this afternoon. Obviously, there is much more work that needs to be done to address drainage. I’m not sure who is responsible for the repairs so a call to the DPW may be a start to find answers.

3 years ago

Does anyone have the link to the info on the noise issue/possible proposal for updating noise limitations? There was a very helpful woman at the transfer station this past weekend who had a display with some great info, but I lost the link she was sharing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo


3 years ago

The turnout for yesterday’s town election was 11.9%, a shamefully low number for an election that included a Selectman’s race. The unofficial numbers show Michael Weishan losing by only 27 votes. If you didn’t vote, don’t complain.

Lisa D
3 years ago

Noise Bylaw information stop-by at the transfer station on Saturday between 10am and 2pm. The proposed Noise Bylaw (Article 37) will be voted on at Town meeting- May 22.

Currently we don’t have a bylaw and if you make a noise complaint to the police they may respond but there is no guarantee that the issue will be resolved. No bylaw = no enforcement. A bylaw passed by the residents and approved by the Attorney General will provide clear guidelines to residents and service providers on time restrictions and appropriate noise levels to protect the health and well being of our residents and workers. It will also provide the enforcing body guidelines on how to evaluate and resolve complaints.

If you can’t make the stop-by and want more information visit the blog at Be ready for Town Meeting!

WHY is Northborough Road CLOSED?
3 years ago

…and, where was the advance WARNING?

HELLO?!? Put up signs stating something like “this road to be closed at in order to to be reopened by “.

One day it’s open, the next day it’s closed.


File this under “responsible” behavior of town government…

Frank Crowell
3 years ago

Could this be a look at a future education meeting in Southborough?

3 years ago

Hi, I moved to Southborough last summer, in the midst of the pandemic, and I’ve enjoyed this web page as a way of getting to know the town. I’m writing to get some information on how the “swap” part of the Transfer Station works. I read the town web site on the Transfer Station rules, but if anyone has some additional information from your experience, I would appreciate it. I guess I’m particularly interested in donating material.

3 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

Thanks Beth – that’s very helpful! Does this include books as well?

3 years ago

Thanks so much for all the information!

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