Covid Update: Numbers are up but not that high!

I have to apologize for a strange typo I made in my Covid Update this week. Somehow I included an oddly high number for the two week count on my page, which I then replicated when I used that text for my weekly update.

As I correctly wrote, this week’s figures have us at an average case per day that’s the highest since the end of January.

May 16 - Confirmed per Day in Southborough over 14 daysThat’s reflected in the graphs I shared, like the one to the right.

But somehow, I followed the 71 new/probable cases in 2 weeks with “1199 in 2 weeks”. That would be an astronomical high for our small town.

The real number was 130 for 2 weeks. I updated the post to fix that. But, since the schools have gotten alarmed questions from parents about this – I wanted to draw special attention to the error.

You can find the updated original post and the graphs here

Since that post, NSBORO has updated its Daily Counts through today. 108 new cases have been reported in the week since the Dashboard ending on May 11th. That’s down from the prior week. 43 of those cases were from Southborough schools and 14 from Algonquin.

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