Here are the posted open, public Southborough committee and board meetings for this week* along with my selected highlights from the agendas.
These days, some meetings are over zoom, some in-person, and others are hybrids that allow both participation through both options.**
As always, be aware that changes to the meeting schedule (and agendas) are known to happen throughout the week. (Scroll down for details on meetings that popped up after last Monday’s post.) For an updated list of meetings, visit the Town website.
Monday, July 11, 2022
- Southborough Housing Opportunity Partnership Committee Meeting, 6:30 pm (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Reorganization of Committee
- Planning Board Meeting, 7:00 pm @ Town House Hearing Room, 17 Common St and zoom (agenda and packet, hearing materials) Agenda Highlights: Public Hearings for 200 Turnpike Rd facility; Urban Forestry Management presentation; Release lot 7 of 5 Skylar Drive; Discuss 154 Turnpike Rd Sign review and tree removal, School St stone wall, National Grid vegetation maintenance/tree removal, and bylaws for Tree protection and Scenic Roads
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
- Board of Health Meeting, 9:30 am (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Status of Ken’s Warehouse and Fitzgerald’s Market; Meadow Lane Condos; Appoint Food Inspector; Community Health Assessment Update; Reporting 3-Month Numbers
- Select Board Meeting, 6:30 pm @ Town House Hearing Room, 17 Common St and zoom (agenda and materials) Agenda Highlights: Appoint student officer; EDC appointment; Proposed ad-hoc Community Center Exploratory Committee; vehicles obstructing sidewalks; Updates on trees and reducing Parkerville Rd speed limit; Easement for EV charging stations at Public Safety Building; Revised contract for Town Counsel services; Consider ARPA fund use for Taxation Relief Committee, Peninsula Trail, and Historic Signage; Proposed Articles for Special Town Meeting; Recommendation for Police Chief Search assessment center; Communication with Public Works Planning Board
- Community Preservation Committee Meeting, 7:00 pm (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Accounts Investment Strategy; Discuss Tennis/Pickleball Court, Kallander Field, and process for closing out projects; Project updates; Fall Special Town Meeting; consultant’s contract extension
Wednesday, July 13 2022
- Personal Board Meeting, 9:00 am (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Election of officers; Annual salary increases effctive July 1, 2022
- Southborough Housing Authority Meeting, 5:30 pm @ Colonial Gardens, 10 Boston Road (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Executive Director report; employment
- Advisory Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Updates on Neary Building Committee status, Vote on inter-departmental and reserve fund transfer requests
Thursday, July 14, 2022
- Golf Course Committee Meeting, 9:00 am (agenda) Agenda Highlights: Investigate / propose actions to mitigate neighbors’ concerns; Plan to work on committee charge of duties
- Conservation Commission Meeting, 7:00 pm (agenda and packet) Agenda Highlights: Scenic Road Bylaw presentation; Public Hearings for 259 Turnpike Rd new home, 250 Turnpike Rd wetland boundaries, and 200 Turnpike Rd warehouse and salt shed; Violation 169 Parkerville Rd; Requests for Certificate of Compliance for 10, 12, & 14 Barn Lane; 84 Main St updates; Chestnut Hill Farm Management Plan; SMP Bylaw updates
Looking Back:
Below is a meeting from last week that was posted after I ran last week’s list:
Thursday, July 7, 2022
*I don’t include closed Executive Sessions unless the agenda indicates the possibility of some action in an open public session at the opening or closing of the meeting.
**Details on watching meetings remotely: Town committees and boards that advertise remote meetings can be joined on zoom (details here). They are also streamed live and saved for replay via the Town’s YouTube Channel for Remote Meetings. (Though, occasionally there are glitches.) If they don’t advertise a remote option, assume that only in-person attendance is allowed.