Changes being made to proposed 250 Turnpike Road 40B

Above: Resident upset over one of the recently proposed 40Bs has prompted the developer to consider some changes. Stay tuned for what those are. (images from site renderings)

Last week, the Select Board held a public forum on two 40B projects proposed by Ferris Development. As usual, one of them drew much more negative feedback than the other.

The Select Board received several comments from abutters and area residents who argued that the 250 Turnpike Road site was inappropriate for multiple reasons.

The Select Board had discussed submitting a letter providing their “qualified support” for the project, and attaching the comment letters from residents. That is now on hold. Select Board member Al Hamilton informed me that the board is waiting to comment until they can see the details of the developer’s reconfigured plans based on public input.

I reached out to Mike Ferris for more information. He confirmed that company is making revisions for that site in response to some of the stated concerns. He is currently waiting on engineering updates. When the new details are available, the deadline will be updated to allow at least 15 days for the Town and public to comment to Mass Housing on the site eligibility.

Ultimately, Ferris doesn’t expect it to delay the project’s overall timeframe for approval. (Their initial timeline showed the 120 Turnpike Road project heading to the Zoning Board of Appeals about a month earlier than the 250 project.) 

The deadline for the 120 Turnpike Road site eligibility application remains August 18th. Stay tuned for a post tomorrow covering comments by various Town boards and the public on that project (plus some more details on the discussion around 250).

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