Candidate’s Letter: Marnie Hoolahan for Planning Board

[Editor’s note: This Tuesday, Southborough has one pre-printed name on the ballot for Planning Board – the incumbent. However, another candidate decided just recently to run as a write-in the seat. To help you make that decision, I am allowing each candidate to submit one letter. (This one is from the incumbent on the ballot.) 

As in past years, you may use comments to endorse the candidate. No mudslinging allowed here.]

To the Editor:

On February 26, 2024, I received notice from the Town Clerk that my papers were verified to qualify for my candidacy on the Southborough Election Ballot on May 24th. I spent several Saturdays at the transfer station in sub-zero temperatures, connecting with residents, answering questions, and obtaining those signatures. Residents could pull and submit papers to run for office between February 14 and March 22, 2024. I understand there is a last-minute write-in candidate campaign- that candidate is aware of the process, and in 2022 pulled papers, participated in the process, and lost the election to Debbie DeMuria. I applaud a legitimate contested race, but this is not what it is. More importantly, here are my qualifications and why I deserve to continue serving this town for five more years on the Planning Board.

My name is Marnie Hoolahan, and I bring a wealth of experience from my tenure on the Southborough Planning Board since 2019. I am running unopposed for the 5-year Planning Board term and am asking for your support by checking the ballot box for Marnie Hoolahan on May 14, 2024, at Trottier.

What you need to know about me as an elected Planning Board member

I define “responsible” as well-planned, appropriately zoned, whose design and purpose meet the goals and objectives of the town

  • I support responsible development: master site plans and lower-impact developments
  • I support responsible, affordable housing
  • I support revised responsible zoning updates
  • I have high integrity
  • I prepare for Planning Board meetings by reviewing all materials in advance and raising any concerns or questions before public meetings with the Town Planner
  • I hold my colleagues accountable
  • I expect mutual respect from proponents, peers, and other committee members
  • I listen and integrate what I hear into my decisions and share my decision-making rationale
  • I care about this town and am committed to my obligations as an elected official

 Town Accomplishments and Voting history (not limited to elected position)

  • 2016: Supported Freddie Gillespie’s bylaw to remove the USE Variance from the town’s bylaw. Passed at Town Meeting
  • 2017: Drafted and presented the recreational marijuana prohibition bylaw. Passed at Town Meeting
  • 2019: Elected to Planning Board in uncontested race
  • 2021: Co-drafted the Dark Skies Illumination Bylaw update with resident Dr. Destin Heilman and Planning Board Staff member Sarah Hoeker. Passed at Town Meeting.
  • 2023: Held Select Board accountable for mitigating the removal of the town’s historic town stonewall and removal of trees during the “Triangle” controversy with fellow Planning Board members
  • 2022: Supported the Planning Board warrant articles for Public Shade Tree and Scenic Roads Bylaws. Both bylaws were opposed at Town Meeting
  • 2023: Supported the Planning Board warrant articles for Public Shade Tree and Scenic Roads Bylaws. Public Shade Tree policy passed, scenic roads was opposed
  • 2023: Spearheaded the MBTA Communities Act education and awareness efforts with the Town Planner, Karina Quinn, Planning Board staff member Colleen Stansfield, and Planning Board Chair, Meme Luttrell
  • 2024: Supported withdrawal of the MBTA Communities Act from Town Meeting and co-drafted letter to state requesting leniency and additional time to draft a new bylaw

About me:

  • Moved to Southborough in December 2002
  • Married my Boston College fellow eagle, Kevin Hoolahan, in 1996
  • We have two sons, Justin (23) and Conor (20), who attended Southborough and Regional public schools
  • Attended most, if not all, town meetings since 2005
  • Served as the Treasurer/CFO of SOS from 2010-2018
  • President of The NemetzGroup LLC, a boutique biopharma strategy consulting firm, employed since 2011 (prior work history at Genzyme, Geltex, and Bristol-Myers Squibb)

On Election Day, the polls will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Trottier Middle School Gym, 49 Parkerville Road, and I am asking you to physically check the ballot box for Marnie Hoolahan for Planning Board.

Marnie Hoolahan
26 Clifford Street

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Ann Deschamps
10 months ago

Marnie Hoolahan truly cares about Southborough, she has my vote.

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