Hearing on Transfer Station regs & fees — Tuesday

On Tuesday, the Select Board will hold a hearing on this year’s Transfer Station fees and revising regulations.

The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30 pm in the Town House Hearing Room and over zoom.

The notice posted to the Town website on July 1st initially accidentally linked to the hearing the same night for revising Water regs. (It was revised this morning after I pointed out that issue.) But the agenda and packet for the Select Board meeting made clear that Transfer Station changes will also be discussed.

Somehow, the agenda link has been deactivated and no link has been added to the website as of writing this post.* But since I had the agenda packet open before it was taken down I was able to save a pdf. You can view the Transfer Station section here.

(You can also view the full packet here., which includes materials related to other agenda items.** To check if a revised version gets posted later, click here.)

The draft in the packet calls for increasing fees by $10 per non-senior.

New language also proposes revised rules about behavior that could result in fines or “permit revocation”. And it makes clearer that dumping of “Commercial Refuse” is not allowed.

*I sent an email this morning to Town officials about the hearing notice issue. I don’t know if the agenda going missing from the Town website very soon after was related or completely coincidental. 

**As I summarized earlier this morning, agenda highlights for Tuesday night are: Senior retiree benefit plan update and survey results; Cable Committee Recommendation to approve Verizon Renewal License; Trails Committee ARPA funding request; Conservation appointment; Public Hearings on FY25 Transfer Station Regulations and FY25 Water Dept. Regulations; Discuss Civil Engineer and Board & Committee vacancies; Update on OneStop application for Route 9 zoning; Response to OML complaint; Appoint OSPC rep to CPC; Committee Reappointments; Authorize Public Works to plant trees on 84 Main Street property; Consider charges for AHTFC-SHOPC Consolidation Working Group, Stewardship, and Scholarship Committees; Draft warrant for September 30, 2024 Special Town Meeting; Status report on regional dispatch.

Updated (7/15/24 10:31 am): Town Administrator Mark Purple informed me that the hearing notice on the Town website has been fixed this morning to link to the correct information and that the notice had been posted in the Town House. He clarified that the agenda is temporarily down as the Town Clerk’s office is working through a technical difficulty.

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eileen samberg
8 months ago

If indeed the town is no longer responsible for fixing water lines from the road, I would hope they create a recommended list of repair companies. I can imagine that someone with water leaking over the lawn would not even have a clue who to call. I certainly wouldn’t.

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