Reserve you community garden plot

Last year the popular community garden plots at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land were chock full of tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, sunflowers, and more. This year organizers expect demand for the plots may be even greater, with a chance that demand could exceed availability.

Plots are sized from 10 x 10 feet up to 10 x 20 feet, and cost between $15 and $25. Payment is optional for senior citizens.

To reserve your plot, email Community Garden Coordinator Joyce Greenleaf at

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De M
14 years ago

Does anyone know about the rabbit and groundhog situation there ? You see, It seems they’ve all taken up residence in my yard ( and I’m pretty sure we are on borrowed time until they take control of the house). I’ve given up all hope and I miss my garden terribly,this could be the perfect solution for me.

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