Braccio drops out of race for Planning Board, endorses Mills

Lisa Braccio, a candidate running for a position on the Planning Board, has decided to withdraw from the race. You can read her reasons for dropping out in the following letter.

Braccio’s withdrawl leaves candidates Paul Cimino and Andrew Mills vying for the spot on the Planning Board. Braccio has endorsed Mills.

I wish to thank all of my wonderful supporters for all of your kind words and promise of support.  But today, with deep sadness and after much consideration I regretfully withdraw from my bid to run for the Planning Board.

The dilemma I have been faced with is that if I continued this race and was fortunate enough to be elected, then the Open Space Preservation Commission on which I currently sit, would not have the required membership for a quorum and could not meet nor do Town open space business. This is a five-member Commission which currently has only 3 members appointed. It requires 3 members to conduct any business.

I have served this Commission and our Town for over 5 years and am proud of the many accomplishments of the Open Space Preservation Commission during my tenure. Without the required membership for a quorum all work of the Commission would come to a standstill.

This is a critical time for the Open Space Preservation Commission as the Town’s Zoning Code is being rewritten with major impacts to open space. So I feel obligated not to leave the Commission at this juncture so that we may continue with our work on not only reviewing the rewriting of the zoning code but with other significant open space projects that the Commission is currently engaged in.

How many other qualified candidates for future seats may be faced with dilemmas such as mine, and have to make the same decision that I made? I believe serving Southborough is my honor and duty; I wanted to be an active participant in making decisions that affect my family and Southborough and felt I could do that as a member of the Planning Board. I believe we want a candidate that represents those same values, someone who has served our Town respectfully and proudly.

Saying that, I am asking all that have supported me join me in supporting Andrew Mills. Andrew has served our Town well as the Chair of the Community Preservation Committee and has much integrity and deserves the opportunity to serve Southborough further. I respect Andrew as a person and what he stands for. We are fortunate this year that there are still 2 wonderfully qualified candidates to choose from for the Planning Board, but I again ask all my supporters to join me in supporting Andrew Mills.

In closing I call on all of you reading this to take the time and think about how you could serve our Town and consider signing up for one of the many vacancies on Southborough’s Commissions and Committees.

Thank you,
Lisa M. Braccio

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Mary Hynes
14 years ago

Dear Lisa – yes, this is an unfortunate situation. I agree and also hope that some of the posters to this site (and others in the community) will recognize that there is an opportunity here to serve the Town and assist in affecting decisions being made. Both the Planning Board and Zoning Advisory Committee have received a number of comments regarding the future needs and planning issues regarding the Town, and it would be terrific if people would come forward and volunteer for the Open Space Commission. Thanks to anyone who will step up and participate and not just periodically attend certain meetings and criticize.

Michael Moore
14 years ago
Reply to  Mary Hynes

I think that people want to be involved, but perhaps they’re not sure how to jump in. They also may be afraid that they will sign up for more than they can handle and will find themselves not living up to their responsibilities and letting people down. I could apply both of these statements to myself.

Mary (or anyone), do you have some advice for people like me as to how they can quickly move from a mostly passive interest to meaningful town service?

Mary Hynes
14 years ago

Hi Michael — many friends & family would laugh at your question, “do you have any advice?” They’d probably retort, “she always does!!”

Anyway – here are some suggestions — look at the list of open positions on the town website (click on Committee vacancies on the left column) & start going to meetings of committees or boards you are interested in. Like kids? Go to Youth Commssion — worried about the “look” of our Town’s open spaces? Attend Open Space meetings. Concerned about taxes and financial matters? What about Advisory?

You don’t have to volunteer right up front until you know what is available & what you might be interested in. And, talk to some of the members of the groups you are attending to find out if it’s a good fit. Maybe you’d only like a short-time assignment — what about Heritage Day or a one-time annual event?

Well, I could go on (yes, on and on). Anyone else out there with ideas?

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