Open discussion thread: Ask questions, share opinions

Time for another open thread. For those of you new to the blog, the open discussion thread is your place to ask questions, sound off on town issues, or share information with other readers. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

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mike e
13 years ago

Hello – Does anyone know a local company that provides tent and chair rentals?

John Kendall
13 years ago

Found this: They seem to have everything for an outdoor event

Pat Q
13 years ago

We have rented items from Taylor Rental in Framingham as well. They deliver.

Yiwei Sun
13 years ago

We just received a flyer from Monnick Supply on Rt 20 in Marlborough. They seem to have that service as well. They even have popcorn machines for rent. Give them a call at (508) 624-7070. It doesn’t hurt to get a few quotes from various places. Good luck!

13 years ago

We rented a nice tent from the Taylor Rental in Westborough, next door to Arturo’s. Reasonable price, incl install & pickup. Also rented tables & white chairs; they were clean and in good condition.

13 years ago

I have always heard how good our schools are, and my experiences with the school system have indeed been great. What I was wondering is if there is somewhere I can go to show some evidence of this. I had a friend who was asking how good our schools are (he’s moving soon.) I told him great, but couldn’t really point to anything concrete to back that up. Does anyone know a good place that talks about the quality of our school system? I’ve looked online for a while, but couldn’t find much.

paul butka
13 years ago

some info here:

additionally, I’ve heard from some realtor friends that they have a compilation of info on the schools that they provide to potential buyers… suggest to your friends that they submit their question to any Southboro real estate agent. It’s certainly in their best interest to have such information at the ready.

btw, your experiences dovetail with those of many others, including my family’s. Our schools are great. Test results at all levels are routinely very good; our high school does a wonderful job of preparing its graduates to gain entrance to a strong representation of colleges and then to succeed in those colleges once they get there.

Mom of two
13 years ago

Has anyone else noticed that awful billboard on Rt. 9 East that screams out in neon letters: ? What is up with that and is there anyway to ask for it to be removed or to complain about it?

Pat Q
13 years ago
Reply to  Mom of two

Mom of two,
Every time I drive by that billboard it grabs my attention…….exactly what their
intent is……the marvels of marketing, those clever devils. I hate it as well.

The billboard is actually for a heating, ventilation and air conditioning company…….Rodenhiser (not my favorite company as I find them incredibly expensive and robotic in their custormer service).

living the dream
13 years ago
Reply to  Mom of two

My teenage boys’ eyes popped out of their heads when they first saw it. It is so inappropriate. I guess we should boycott Rodenheiser and we should let them know why. I have heard it was for a plumbing/heatin company I just didn’t realize it was them. Very poor taste.

my wife is hot
13 years ago

In this day and age, I hate to be the bringer of bad news but your teenage boys are being exposed to much more inappropriate images and concepts every day.
This was provocative … but ultimately, I found it creative and amusing.

Mom of two
13 years ago
Reply to  my wife is hot

As a copywriter I find it creative and amusing. But I don’t think the venue is appropriate. I think a targeted mailing to married men who are homeowners would be much more effective. If the company is going for shock value and website hits, I’m sure it succeeded. If it was going for actual qualified leads … maybe not so much. And they probably lost business because of annoyed wives/moms who would never do business with a company that put up that billboard.

13 years ago
Reply to  Mom of two

Yet look how much conversation the sign has provoked.

Mom of two
13 years ago
Reply to  Mom of two

Bill – sure, it generated conversation. But the question really is: Did the sign generate business? I would love to know…

Pat D
13 years ago

With regard to the town’s road paving plans for the summer, there is a stretch of Route 30 between #116 and #140 Main St. that is in very poor condition. I know this portion is not on the town’s plans to pave but couldn’t they at least fill in the pot holes and the torn up pavement. It’s like an obstacle course trying to get through that area without messing up the tire alignment or running into an oncoming car! Can anyone help with this problem?

Kelly Roney
13 years ago
Reply to  Pat D

I’ve found DPW director Karen Galligan responsive. Her email is I sent her a digital photo of a failing storm drain, and she got it fixed.

Pat D
13 years ago

Thanks, Kelly, I will be in touch with her next week.

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