Planning Board member Mary Hynes has resigned

Selectmen last night accepted the resignation of Planning Board member Mary Hynes, effective the end of this month. Hynes, who has served on the board for five years, resigned because she is moving out of Southborough. Her term was set to end in 2013.

In a letter to the Planning Board, Hynes said her resignation comes with mixed emotions. “I will truly miss my colleagues here, and my experience as a public official in this wonderful community,” she wrote.

Selectman Bill Boland thanked Hynes, who attended the meeting last night, for her service to the town. “I’m very sad to see Mary leave,” he said. “You have all of my thanks personally, and for the board. We appreciate all you’ve done for the town.”

As part of her work on the Planning Board, Hynes led the committee in 2008 that created the town’s Master Plan.

Hynes’ resignation means there’s a vacancy on the elected Planning Board. The Board of Selectmen and Planning Board will jointly appoint a replacement. That person will serve until next spring when they would have to run for re-election.

If you’re interested in throwing your hat in the ring, submit a resume and letter of interest to the Office of the Selectmen (17 Common Street) or by email to

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Mary Hynes
13 years ago

Thanks, Susan for the nice article. As I stated in my resignation letter, I have enjoyed working with my fellow Planning Board officials, both present and past. They are a smart and committed group of individuals, and I was proud to serve with them. I will miss Southborough and all the wonderful people I’ve gotten to know over the years. Warm regards, Mary

Paul Cimino
13 years ago

Well done, Mary. You have taught all of us a thing or two, and it was my privilege to serve with you. Best of luck as you venture off!

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