An evening of jazz: Trottier Big Band to play with saxophonist Walter Beasley – Thursday

On Thursday, June 14, the Trottier Middle School Big Band will welcome to the stage “musical Renaissance Man” Walter Beasley at the school’s annual Jazz Night.

Since 1998, Beasley has been one of the ten highest selling saxophonists in the world. While balancing his recording and touring career, he is also a full-time professor at his alma mater, The Berklee School of Music. His role as an educator and mentor is one Beasley takes seriously.

“What I have learned is that I am responsible for molding the next generation of musicians, and that is a wonderful responsibility that nothing can take me away from all my life,” Beasley said.

No doubt sharing the stage with Beasley will be an experience that molds the musical careers of many members of the Trottier Big Band, who are themselves capping off another award-winning year. In addition to accolades earlier this spring, the Big Band took home a gold medal at the Massachusetts Association for Jazz Education festival held at the school in May (the Stage Band performed, too, and took home silver). Trottier eighth-grader and saxophonist Connor Jenks was named the festival’s MVP for the fourth year running. (Congrats, nephew!)

Jazz Night with Beasley is open to the public, and it’s sure to be a great show. The music starts at 7:00 pm at the Trottier auditorium. Admissions is free, but donations will be accepted. Money raised through admission and from the sale of baked goods at intermission will benefit a fund in the memory of Trottier seventh grader Eric Green who passed away in January. Eric was a trumpet player in the Big Band.

(Image: Walter Beasley via

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Bryan Sullo
12 years ago

What a great opportunity for the kids at this school! As a saxophonist myself, I envy them.
I wish I’d come across your site a few days earlier. I would have included this on our events calendar.

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