Are you setting up a neighborhood watch?

In response to a recent article on home robberies, resident Carol Willoughby commented on the My Southborough Facebook page,

It would be a great idea for people to start a Neighborhood Watch Program in their neighborhoods. I’ve started mine back up. Everyone be vigilant and communicate suspicious people and vehicles in the area, and when you will be away, especially to police. There are tricks you and your neighbors can learn and do to help prevent break-ins.

Back in 2010, there were other reports of neighborhood watches formed in town.  Now that there has been another uptick in crime, Susan and I are wondering:

  • How many of you out there are planning a watch?
  • If you don’t have a formal watch, are you working with neighbors in other ways to safeguard your neighborhood?

For those of you who are interested in more information on what’s involved:

(Image: McGruff the Crime Dog, via the National Crime Prevention Council)

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11 years ago

My neighborhood is not doing anything (yet) but I am very interested in the topic and read about each latest incident. It appears that just locking our doors doesn’t help since most are “forced entry” ( I assume that means breaking open a locked door?)
I am definitely more aware and watchful.

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