Our Southborough

I was sad, when I learned from Susan that she would be leaving this blog. To me, My Southborough has been invaluable. She did a wonderful job over the years of fostering a sense of community through the site.

What started for her as a hobby writing about her hometown, evolved into a resource that might well be called “Our Southborough”. (Don’t worry, I’m not changing the name.)

I was considering going back to work, but nervous about such a big challenge. She convinced me that this was something that I could do. (We’ll see!)

Since I want this site to keep going, I’m going to give it my best.

Southborough is my hometown. I share Susan’s love for it.

As for my perspective on town issues, I plan to follow Susan’s example of neutrality. My Southborough is simply a place for you to learn about the news affecting our town and share your comments, questions and opinions (as long as they are civil.)

The only opinions you should hear from me are in controversial posts like the best places to go for a walk in town.

That being said, I am not the superwoman Susan has been. Over this summer, I won’t be posting stories as frequently as Susan. I still have young children at home and this is all new to me.

I’ll need you to bear with me while I continue to learn what I’m doing. Hopefully, once fall rolls around, I’ll be able to provide the level of coverage you are used to.

I know that the Susan’s shoes may be too big to fill. I’ll just have to do my best.

If you have stories you want to share about town activities or residents, or if you have pictures of town events, please feel free to e-mail me at mysouthborough@gmail.com.

Thank you Susan for your amazing generosity in creating this forum, giving me this opportunity, and spending so much time organizing details and showing me the ropes.

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Nancy V
11 years ago

Welcome Beth! So far, you are doing a great job,

Jessica Devine
11 years ago

Beth, you’re going to be awesome! Thanks so much for taking on the blog. We’re all so grateful!

Nancy O
11 years ago
Reply to  Jessica Devine


Pat Q.
11 years ago

Beth, we are all grateful that you decided to step forward and take over this invaluable service to the town. Thank you!

We all promise to be gentle as you slide into this new role! Looking forward to some good ole’ hometown articles, updates, keeping up with the goings on in town, and having some healthy debates!


Mark Ford
11 years ago

Good luck, Beth! I’m sure you’ll do a great job.

11 years ago

Thank-you for doing this.

11 years ago

Beth, you’re off to a great start, good luck!

Carol Willoughby
11 years ago

Yes, Susan did a fantastic job on the site, but it looks like you have been doing just as good a job following in her footsteps. Welcome, and I look forward to reading more of your posts. Glad this site was able to continue.

11 years ago

Beth: You will do a great job I am sure! I also know who to send the Girl Scout photos to for posting!!

11 years ago

Thank you Beth for taking over, I look forward to your blogs

Eileen Samberg
11 years ago

Yes, thanks. And great job so far!

Kim Deans
11 years ago

I am an avid reader of this Blog. For many years it has kept me up to date on what is going on in town. Susan, I appreciate your commitment and your dedication-
Thank you very much!

Beth, thank you so much for taking this over. I was disappointed to think that it would
no longer be part of my life! Best of luck and please know that we all appreciate you
stepping up to continue this Blog.
Kim D

Julie Connelly
11 years ago

You have my vote of confidence! I agree that the site is an invaluable resource to the town and I am grateful that you will be keeping it alive for us!

11 years ago

Welcome Beth. I’m so glad this blog will continue.

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