Welcome My Southborough sponsors

It probably comes as no surprise to you that I spend quite a bit of time working on this blog. And that’s okay. It’s a labor of love and I get a lot of satisfaction out of it.

Now, satisfaction is nice and all, but do you know what else is nice? Cash.

And so it is that I have started accepting advertising on My Southborough. I’m not out to turn a huge profit, but some help covering expenses would be lovely.

Ads will run at the top of the sidebar to the right, so they won’t be in your face. And I’m sure some, like Nancy’s over there in the sidebar, will be quite lovely. The best thing is, most of the ads will be for local businesses.

I encourage you to support My Southborough sponsors by clicking on their ads and checking out what they have to offer.

If you’re interested in reaching a Southborough audience with your business, consider advertising on My Southborough. Rates are affordable enough that anyone can do it.

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Kelly Roney
15 years ago

Susan, you do know that you’re the future of hyperlocal journalism, don’t you? So I hope you can make a little money at it.

Papa Rosa
15 years ago

Kelly’s right! You’re doing good work – fiscal rewards should and will follow.

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