Algonquin sports news

The girls lacrosse team at a match earlier this year. Photo by Southborough resident Chris Wraight. Click to see more lacrosse photos.

It was a tough way to end the season for the Algonquin boys tennis, boys baseball, and boys and girls lacrosse teams, with each losing championship matches in the past week. But the girls tennis team still has a shot at the state finals. They play Wellesley today at 3:30 pm at Shrewsbury High.

Here’s a wrap-up of the season finales:

The boys baseball team was eliminated by Westborough in the Division 1 Central quarterfinals, with a score of 18-4.

The boys tennis team won the Division 1 Central title last week, but lost to Longmeadow in the state semifinals on Sunday.

Like the boys, the girls tennis team clinched the Division 1 title to make it to the state finals for the second year in a row. The girls (20-0) will face Wellesley (22-0) in the state final match at 3:30 pm today at Shrewsbury High.

The boys lacrosse team made it to the Division 2 Central finals, but lost to St. John’s last week to finish their season at 19-3.

Unfortunately, the girls lacrosse team didn’t fare any better, losing to Westborough in their Division 1 Central final game at Foley Stadium last week.

Any other notable wins/loses for Algonquin teams this season? Let me know in the comments.

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Jack Skypeck
15 years ago

The boys varsity volleyball team won the most games in a season (14) in the teams history. The defeated Millis in the first round of the tournament and lost to Lincoln Sudbury (who are playing for the Division 1 Championship this week) in the second round. The team is returning four of six starters and five juniors for next season.

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