For those of you who miss the movie

In a recent My Southborough poll, 51% of you said you were happy the movie has left town and that life has returned to normal, while 34% of you said you miss having that bit of Hollywood in town.

So, for the 34% who just can’t get enough — and you know who you are — here are a few more movie tidbits.

St. Mark’s Church was ground zero for catering and extras. You can see pictures of the catering tent and extras getting ready in Parish Hall on the church’s website. The church even has some celebrity shots.

And here’s a video of the gang on set in Essex. I would have preferred to see Pilgrim Church in the background, but oh well.

Update: A commenter pointed out this WAS filmed in Southborough, not in Essex. What does it say when a hometown blogger doesn’t even recognize her hometown? Sad, very sad.

For more coverage on the Adam Sandler film, click here.

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15 years ago

this was actually filmed in Southborough
the flag pole is behind Salmas head, the fay school is behind Adams head and you can see the St Marks church in the top right corner

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