State busing cuts could mean increased class size

The Metrowest Daily News reports on the Regional School Committee meeting last night where members talked about potential state cuts to regional transportation that could end up affecting classroom services.

The cuts could mean a loss of $300K in state funding for the district, a shortfall that would have to be made up somehow.

Gobron said an unanticipated teacher leave-of-absence that came to his attention recently could be one way to balance the budget if needed. He said the district could hold off on immediately hiring a full-time replacement, and instead use “personnel shifts” and a part-time teacher to fill the gap.

As a result, some classes could go up in size, he said.

Read all the details in the Metrowest Daily News. And if this is an issue you feel strongly about, contact your state legislators to let them know.

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15 years ago

As much as lots of people will disagree, I don’t think that adding a few more students to a classroom would be detrimental. Back in the day we had up to 34 students in some classes, and I sure don’t think we suffered much because of it. The newer teachers need to look back at teachers like Mr. Womback and Mr. McGinn as lessons on doing more with less.

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