Open discussion thread: Ask questions, share opinions

Above: If you don’t have someplace to be, don’t venture outside. Curl up with your computer and share what’s on your mind. (Image posted to flickr by joshua radin)

It’s time for another open thread. What’s on your mind this week, Southborough?

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Donna McDaniel
9 years ago

Don’t forget Heritage Day is coming on Columbus Day weekend… Monday the parade and biggest day but will there be a run? Think there has been before… Anything else to remind people?

Southboro Resident
9 years ago

OK, I’m all for scouts raising money (as long as the scouts are all-inclusive). Set up a table at the transfer station, Facebook it, pass the word through friends, relatives, and the like. But don’t come knocking on my door on a Sunday evening at 7:30. That’s just not right.

Donna McDaniel
9 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

I wasn’t delighted to be visited and I think I remember correctly that no canvassing is allowed in our (maybe any) condo development. Sounds so “Bah Humbug” but… Actually my concern wasn’t that but the fact that he was being driven (presumably by a parent) door-to-door in an area where one can walk to all 54 units in (wild guess) half an hour, considering some won’t be home. In some places, yes, ride needed, but I’m guessing not needed here where everyone is at least over 55. Isn’t the effort involved in walking door-to-door (two doors per unit) part of what a Scout would learn by direct experience?

9 years ago
Reply to  Donna McDaniel

It sounds like we’re getting pretty crabby about the Boy Scouts. From what I can tell, the Boy Scouts are a wonderful asset to our town. They collect food to fill our Food Pantry, help beautify our town on Earth Day and with their Eagle Scout projects. and reliably show up to honor our veterans. Sure, they occasionally knock on the door at an inconvenient time and maybe the strange car in your driveway is an annoyance. If that is the case, I suggest you turn off the lights and pretend you’re not home. It’s how my persnickety parents get through every Halloween.

Mark Ford
9 years ago
Reply to  Donna McDaniel


Really? Do you mind when the Scouts show up and pick up your “Scouting for Food” bag and bring that to the pantry?

When you go by the flagpole at St. Anne’s, the memorial installation at the Fire Station, the Gazebo at that same location, the landscaping at the Community House, the new fencing at the Senior Center, the Wall Ball Court at Woodward, the Volleyball Court and stage at Neary, to name a few projects the Scouts took on, as volunteers, for this town, Did you know that Boy Scouts routinely empty the recycling bin at the Transfer Station and donate the proceeds back to the Senior Center? I could go on and on.

You should come to a meeting, or talk to a Scout sometime. No need to buy anything.

Or for that matter, go on a hike with the Boy Scouts. I assure you they get plenty of walking in, too…chances are they’re driven around by their parents to offer some protection from grumpy neighbors.

Donna McDaniel
9 years ago
Reply to  Mark Ford

Sorry to go back to this but such an example of one comment being interpreted as a blast or condemnation … this time my observation that maybe walking (just a few steps between condos here) would be a part of the Scout’s experience in asking for donations was taken as some blanket criticism of the whole Scouting program… hardly!

Diane R
9 years ago
Reply to  Donna McDaniel


Thank you for being honest. Although I have two sons who are Cub Scouts, I can understand your point of view. I, too, would prefer not to have my doorbell ring at 7:30pm or at any time when it might be inconvenient. (Neighbors’ kids come by asking for donations to whatever and I have to drop everything and hunt for my checkbook, etc.)

I am sorry that we live in a “community” in which one is not entitled to be who one is, for whatever reasons.

Again, I appreciate your point of view and when we have to go sell wreaths, we will (and usually do) park our car at the end of the road and walk.

Paul Cimino
9 years ago

Sorry to “rant” a little bit here. I rarely write general commentary on this forum, but was moved to do so this morning in response to those who are complaining about being visited by a Boy Scout who is hoping to raise funds for his Troop activities. [And to the commenter who sought to point out all of the good that our Scouts do in our Town, suffice to say that s/he couldn’t be more correct.]

Far from grumbling about our youth paying us a visit, shouldn’t we welcome any sense of community connection like that? Personally, I delight in the interaction when a young neighbor or friend rings my bell, and I don’t at all understand the aversion to it expressed here (including by a resident who writes a local newspaper column entitled “Your Town and Mine” and has just reminded all of us about Heritage Day on Monday!). To another commenter’s suggestion that a table at the Transfer Station or Facebook messages should suffice, it seems that the real message is “do your thing, but only in ways that allow me to avoid you if I want to”, which is certainly your prerogative, but disappointing nevertheless.

To the suggestion that walking door-to-door (as opposed to being driven) is part of the learning experience, I can assure you that a far greater part of the learning experience for these young Scouts is screwing up the courage to actually ring your bell and talk to you. It would be nice if when the door opens, that their courage is rewarded with a pleasant greeting, and not a “please don’t bother me” reaction.

These Scouts are not nameless/faceless salespeople shaking you down, they are your fellow citizens in Town. If, as I suspect, this is all really rooted in feeling awkward or pressure to participate when you’d really prefer not to, then my goodness let’s just be adults – a polite “no thank you” and a word of encouragement is just not that difficult.

Maybe I’m in the minority and living in the past on this one, but I fervently hope that I’m not.

9 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

All in all, a pretty good example of why many people post anonymously.

9 years ago

JFYI, St. Anne’s is having an electronics recycling day Sat 10/10…signs up around town and in their driveway.

9 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Any idea if they have a maximum CRT size? I have an old tube tv no one will take since it’s so big, so I’ve been stuck with it for a while. I’d happily pay an extra fee for it!

9 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

Great, thanks! (And I did try Best Buy – they have a limit just below my tube size, so this is the first time I’ve had to turn it in!)

9 years ago
Reply to  Southville

Southville, have you tried Best Buy? They took a 32″ for me a few years ago for free…

9 years ago

Can anyone tell me who decides on speed limits on the town’s roads? Recently the ever-treacherous Oak Hill Road’s speed limit was increased to 35 and new signs were posted. It had been a 30 mile an hour zone. The cars on that road drive way over the speed limit whether it is 30 or 35. It is a danger to the kids waiting for the school bus in the morning, currently in the dark for the high school and also getting off the bus and crossing in the afternoon. Who decides these changes and who can I contact? I don’t remember seeing anything on the BOS agenda about changing speed limits.

9 years ago
Reply to  mom23

Call the Selectmen’s office. They are responsible in accordance with the Town’s Bu-Laws

9 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

Thanks Beth! I too called the DPW and was told the same thing. Seems I am not alone in my concern. I don’t imagine the state would want to hear from the residents that we are concerned. Thanks for looking into this.

9 years ago

Has Algonquin administration made any statement regarding a streaking incident (involving students) at the recent Algonquin/Hudson football game?

9 years ago

We have loam fill at our site in Southborough which we can deliver nearby for free.
Please contact Sudha at (617) 455 7766 OR Dave at (508) 365 9231 for more information if you need some for your gardening needs.

9 years ago

Any recommendations for a house cleaner?

9 years ago

Does anyone know if the Firefighter Halloween parade will be happening this year?

9 years ago
Reply to  Beth Melo

Thanks so much Beth! My son had so much fun last year. Looking forward to Sunday!

9 years ago

I think congratulations are in order for Ted’s of Fayville. It seems they have taken over the Ingersoll Rand building on Route 9 across from the former Verizon facility. Ted’s started in town years ago as the local tow truck operator.
That’s one big building and indicates to me that T of F must have grown enormously to require such a facility.
Congrats to the entire team… always wonderful to see local businesses succeed.
Now… if you could just get your drivers to slow down a bit!!

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