Above: Learn how you can help use flowers to sustain butterfly populations in our area. (Images – Left cropped from photo posted to flickr by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren; Right contributed rendering)
This Tuesday, a garden design expert will be speaking at the library. Author Ellen Sousa will address the importance of native plants for area pollinators.
She’ll also encourage residents to help halt species decline.
Sousa designed the pollinator habitat at Breakneck Hill. The image of the garden shared is a computer rendering. In reality, the habitat is still in progress and varieties shown will bloom at different times of the year.
Sousa will explain the habitat’s design. But the main focus of the night is butterflies.

The presentation is co-hosted by the Open Space Preservation Commission and the Stewardship Committee. Both groups are promoting efforts to help sustain pollinators in Southborough.
The groups will be seeking volunteers to help with the pollinator habitat. But they are also hoping residents will choose plantings in their own yards and gardens that help.
For more details, click on the flyer right.
For a better look at the planned pollinator habitat and more, click thumbnails below.