[Ed note: I have invited each candidate for a contested seat to submit one letter before the May 9th Town Election.]
To the Editor:
My name is Steve Morreale and I am seeking election for the Town Moderator position. After being encouraged to run by our current Town Moderator, David Coombs, I decided to seek election to continue my service to Southborough. I want to continue to insure the integrity and independence of the position and help streamline our annual Town Meeting.
I am interested in no other position in Southborough and have no desire for higher office in Southborough or at the state level. This is not a stepping stone, but my desire to give back to our town, which has given so much to my family and me. Our family has lived in Soutborough for nearly 30 years. Our daughters attended Soutborough Schools and Algonquin Regional High School.
I believe I am the best candidate for the position of Town Moderator, having held leadership positions at the local, state, military and federal levels.
I have a strong, principled core, seeking integrity, fairness, reasonableness and transparency. Explaining, educating, maintaining control and insuring decorum and civility are necessary for the Town Moderator to conduct town business. Efficiency and clarity are also important.
I am a student of government, having been in public service for more than 40 years:
- United States Army, Military Police Corps
- Police Officer, Dover, New Hampshire
- Special Agent and Managing Agent with the U.S. Department of Justice
- Assistant Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Inspector General.
- Full-time tenured professor and Department Chair, Worcester State University
- Chair of All University Committee, Worcester State University
I served for several years on the Southborough Youth Commission and with the Personnel Board after serving for nearly 15 years, most recently as chair.
Your Town Moderator cannot be an activist, must not take positions on Town matters and must stay above the fray. The Town Moderator serves a role in maintaining checks and balances and separation of powers so that no single element becomes too powerful.
I believe in the institution of Town Meeting. Town Meeting serves as our legislative body. It dates back at least a century, predominantly in New England, where local control is cherished. Town Meeting gives citizens the ability to have a voice in running our town and the opportunity to hold their elected officials accountable to provide services and spend limited funds wisely.
If elected, I will recommend the establishment of a joint committee with the BOS to explore best practices for Town Meetings. This committee would report back, in the hopes that a Town Warrant be drafted to improve participation and efficiency of the Town Meeting. Also, any appointments will be made in an open and forthright manner. I will recommend a Code of Conduct for community members appointed to boards and committees by Town Moderator, to insure that members treat everyone appearing before them with respect and civility.
If you have ideas or thoughts please free to reach out to me. I humbly ask for your vote on Monday, May 9, 2016 when you enter the voting booth with your ballot.
Thank you!
Steve Morreale
Updated (5/5/16 4:36 pm): As some have noticed I grabbed the wrong picture for the post! That was decidedly not Steve Morreale! Apparently, I forgot to “preview” the post before I scheduled it. (And I’ve been away from the desk for the past couple hours.)
Apologies to both Morreale and Desiree Aselbekian!
Doesn’t look like Steve!
Hi Jane,
Thanks for noticing! Thanks for the update MySouthborough.
Steve, You are right, I see activists on the other two candidates. I do not see that in your life or resume and with all your experience you will bring balance and order to the process I am sure. Good luck.
Hello everyone,
I have just learned of the election results. I am excited to serve a our Town Moderator for the next year.
I want to thank all who supported me, offered advice, held signs and voted. I applaud the group of citizens who chose to run for Moderator and Planning Board.
I tried to run a clean campaign and look forward to serving Southborough in this position.
Again, thanks to all who came out to vote today. It was a windy one.
All the best,
That is great news Steve I’m sure you’ll do a fine job and serve with integrity. Have a great day.