Above: Troop 1 Boy Scouts serve pancakes to the community every year to raise funds for their activities and service projects. (2015 Photo by Andy Weigl)
Troop 1 Boy Scouts are selling tickets to the 49th annual Southborough Pancake Breakfast.

The breakfast is Sunday, March 4, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm in the Neary School cafeteria.
Scouts will be serving up the usual – pancakes, sausages, ham and beverages.
It’s the troop’s primary fundraiser. Proceeds from the event support Troop 1 activities like camping, hiking, and community service projects.
Tickets cost $6 for adults, $3 for seniors and kids 6-12, and children 5 and under eat for free.
You can get your tickets from a Troop 1 Boy Scout. Email Troop1Pancakes@gmail.com or buy them at the door when scouts come a-knockin’.