Recent comments

Want to know what your neighbors are talking about? Here’s a list of the most recent comments on the blog (from newest to oldest).

  • Carl Guyer left a comment on Overview of April 7th Annual Town Meeting As noted here, Warrant Article #37 provides an interesting choice for Town Meeting voters. The cost associated with the clean up of the dump on Break... March 27 17:30
  • Cindy Foster left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B I completely support Plan B! I want to be able to continue to live in Southborough.... March 26 18:00
  • Al Hamilton left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B What do Foxborough, Groton-Dunstable, Leicester, Lynnfield, Medway, Mendon-Upton, Natick, Rockland, Stoneham, Swampscott, Wakefield, and Webster have ... March 26 12:28
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B Dianne you are absolutely correct about the board holding special town meetings to get their agendas past. It has occurred on numerous issues in the ... March 25 18:11
  • James Eastland left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B At a couple of the info sharing meetings, the NBC or its representatives had no crisp answer to the question, what happens if the town doesn't approve... March 25 16:48
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B I agree 100% with the Plan B proposal ! If you look at the facts it makes great sense and will save many homeowners hard earned income. My wife has be... March 25 09:04
  • JACK BARRON left a comment on The week in government The Plan B school proposal reads as very practical. The politicians always like big and expensive new building projects so they can get photos cutting... March 24 21:16
  • Harrison Holtz left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B Thanks for sharing this proposal—having more information is always helpful, and I appreciate the effort that went into putting it together. Perso... March 24 20:37
  • John Kendall left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B I agree with this wholeheartedly. Trottier and Woodward are both underutilized. Let’s not build another sprawling castle that will cost big money an... March 24 15:29
  • Allan Bezanson left a comment on Letter: “NEARY” PLAN B Allan Bezanson here, 66-year resident, adding support to Plan B. When i graduated from Northboro High School grades 1-4 were housed in one school a... March 24 15:13
  • Patricia Burns Fiore left a comment on More Gorgeous Gardens on Wednesday Joanne's presentations are always very informative, and the photography is fabulous! This is a great, free opportunity to "visit" some of the gorgeous... March 24 09:12
  • eileen samberg left a comment on Another Bobcat sighting on Main Street We had a bobcat in our backyard last week, Granuaile Road. Caught on our ring camera.... March 19 20:56
  • Dick Snyder left a comment on “Intermittent” alternate access to Town House starting Monday Pilgrim Church shares this parking lot with the Town House. How will Pilgrim Church be impacted?... March 14 20:10
  • John Kendall left a comment on Obituary: Henry C. Valcour, Jr., 90 I’m very sorry to hear this. Henry was such a nice man... February 18 13:34
  • Tim Martel left a comment on Letter: Southborough at the Cross Roads – Part 2 Al, I've always been opposed to a Town Manager form of government, as you probably recall when we worked together on that ad hoc committee back in 201... February 11 12:06
  • Tim Martel left a comment on 2 East Main St developer announces change to multi-family only building project Is it too early to say...Told you so? We discussed these issues on the floor of Town Meeting when the Downtown article was brought forward. Unfortuna... February 11 11:46
  • JACK BARRON left a comment on The week in government Good luck on your new multifamily building proposed for rt 30 and Newton Street. Looks like a nice building and just think, you can build something wi... February 10 20:32
  • Mark Pietrewicz left a comment on Planning Board may vote on site plan for Valvoline Instant Oil Change on Flagg Road That's a perfect area for more on/off, quick stop traffic. And that business will definitely beautify the town. Sounds like a winner!... February 09 11:02
  • Tim Martel left a comment on Planning Board may vote on site plan for Valvoline Instant Oil Change on Flagg Road What a nightmare to add to an already awful traffic and safety situation. Can I ask how there is no mention of the impact from the potential Park C... February 08 11:11
  • Michael Nordstrom left a comment on Town looking at Rte 9 Wastewater Treatment options Al and Sam, thanks for your efforts on getting this started! It's a very important project to relieve obstacles for economic development along Route ... February 06 08:36
  • eileen samberg left a comment on Obituary: Marvin C. Ostrovsky, M.D., So sorry to hear about Marv.... February 04 10:12
  • Beth Melo left a comment on Update on Public Works Planning Board/Advisory Committee status (Updated – Again) Timothe Litt reached out to share the following "additional context" that he believed was worth sharing with readers and followed that I could post it... February 04 07:16
  • John Kendall left a comment on Update on Public Works Planning Board/Advisory Committee status (Updated – Again) We had a Cemetery Commission for years. We need to go back to that system, and yes, we need more land... January 31 15:36
  • James Nichols-Worley left a comment on Harvard ups the ante in PILOT payments and perks to Town Great to read about this! As someone interested in our town's history, the preservation and digitization of historic documents has been amazing - I ca... January 29 17:27
  • Diane Romm left a comment on Harvard ups the ante in PILOT payments and perks to Town That sounds like some welcome news. Please note that Harvard's endowment is, according to several sources, in the ballpark of fifty billion dollars. (... January 29 07:46
  • Carl Guyer left a comment on “Notes on Modern Irrationality” — Thursday Speaking of Magical Thinking, there is a prime example of this in another article on this blog. Embedded in the article listing local government meet... January 22 09:44
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Neary Building Committee “Office Hours” this Friday Hi Dianne, I don't consider it a provocative comment but a true fact. I have talked with many folks and they share the same view. This occurred in man... January 17 07:15
  • Kathy Cook left a comment on Regional School Committee won’t meet tonight (Updated – Again) The schools will not be presenting their proposed budgets at the “budget summit “. They need to get the new bus contract done first. They will in... January 15 12:32
  • Dick Snyder left a comment on Christmas Tree pickups are this Saturday (Updated) I can not use Venmo as I need to know the last 4 digits of the phone number of the scout leader Howard Rose. If someone can tell me fine, otherwise I ... January 09 21:30
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Neary Building Committee “Office Hours” this Friday I agree with Erik 100% that if these projects continue to be implemented the tax rate is going to to be out of touch for many citizens! My wife and I ... January 08 17:24
  • Diane Romm left a comment on Neary Building Committee “Office Hours” this Friday Al Hamilton posted the following information, I believe it was back in November: Al Hamilton  1 month ago 1.     &nbs... January 08 12:37
  • Patricia Burns Fiore left a comment on The week in government Tonight (Tuesday) at the Select Board meeting, the Neary Building Committee will be presenting their one (and only) solution to the condition of Neary... December 16 18:24
  • Alan Belniak left a comment on Town accepting feedback on Sidewalk Accessibility Report A typical approach here is to look at the sidewalks and ramps that are scored as 'Poor' or 'Very Poor' first. The rest, frankly, have to wait un... December 16 13:05
  • Beth Melo left a comment on Town accepting feedback on Sidewalk Accessibility Report Just to be clear, they aren't looking to get feedback through the blog. I welcome the public dialogue. But to have your comments considered by the Tow... December 16 11:58
  • Patricia Burns Fiore left a comment on Town accepting feedback on Sidewalk Accessibility Report This article is from December 4 and says, “Last night, Town Administrator Mark Purple reported to the Select Board that the Town had posted th... December 16 11:45
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on MetroWest RECC Update: Community forum on Thursday Looking at this proposal it looks a lot of expensive renovations and additions are going to be required to meet the requirements. Are these so called ... December 11 14:34
  • Kelly Roney left a comment on Select Board approves signing Metrowest RECC agreement My understanding is that this is the building to be repurposed for the RECC: If so, it's half a block from ... December 07 15:04
  • Lily Apstein left a comment on Saturday is Santa Day! (Updated) Hello everyone! We are students from a club at St. Mark's School called Haiti Partnership. We will be raising money for our partner school in Haiti. ... December 05 15:38
  • Kathy Cook left a comment on Neary Building presentation to Select Board — Dec 17 I expect the Neary project presentation and discussion to start at about 7:05. We have some other things to deal with before then which is why we are... December 05 15:31
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Celebrating two DPW retirements Congratulations Dean been long time coming but finally here! Time to enjoy and enjoy whats coming! Mike and Deb!... December 05 08:50
  • Kathy Cook left a comment on Donate to help fulfill families’ Winter Wishes Beth, Thanks for sending this reminder. I am the Treasurer of the Friends of the Southborough Youth Commission Inc. (SYC). I am not sure why we are... December 03 09:53
  • Jan Maguire left a comment on Annual Kids Shop – Dec 7 This is also a great opportunity for our older family members or those with memory issues to shop in a safe place. A smaller space to navigate, a hel... December 02 13:28
  • Ennio Ferretti left a comment on Bridget Gilleney retiring from DPW (Updated) Congratulations on your recent retirement. We had some great conversations thru the years. You are the most pleasant person to talk to. I've been in ... December 02 10:51
  • Mark Pietrewicz left a comment on Events this week (Updated) Beth, thank you for the post regarding the 12/5 Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School showcase night. I am hopeful that many Southborough resi... December 02 10:16
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Bridget Gilleney retiring from DPW (Updated) Best wishes to Bridget in her retirement! Always had great conversations with her and she always followed thru on any issues and projects! Enjoy your ... November 27 08:38
  • Kelly Roney left a comment on Bridget Gilleney retiring from DPW (Updated) I'm blessed to have gotten to know Bridget, who is so kind and warm-hearted.... November 27 00:58
  • Gail Tannenbaum left a comment on Bridget Gilleney retiring from DPW (Updated) As a resident of Southboro since 1984, I'd like to take a moment to say a big Thank You and Congratulations to Bridget Gilleney. Ask anyone in t... November 26 19:08
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Select Board approves signing Metrowest RECC agreement Al I understand the needed space if the RECC was to be placed here in Soiuthborough but to rely on this state to guarantee funds on an ongoing basis i... November 26 15:09
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Select Board approves signing Metrowest RECC agreement Al thanks for your response and I understand about the use of state grants. But with the issues in this state regarding taxpayers waste by our various... November 26 07:35
  • Mike Pojani left a comment on Select Board approves signing Metrowest RECC agreement What happened to the article providing a picture of the proposed site on Philips St. in Westborough for the new RECC location along with my question h... November 24 10:36
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