Report: Monkey death in Southborough violated welfare act (MWDN)

It’s more bad news for the Harvard-run New England Primate Center located off Parmenter Road. The Metrowest Daily News reported last week that the latest monkey death at the facility – there have been four in the past 19 months – was the result of a direct violation of the Animal Welfare Act. Read the full article → from Report: Monkey death in Southborough violated welfare act (MWDN)

Former selectwoman opposes Town Manager article; drafting committee releases final report

Former Selectwoman Bonnie Phaneuf released a statement this weekend urging voters to delay a decision on the proposed Town Manager legislation, saying it needs more review. Meanwhile, the Drafting Committee on Friday released their final report that details the committee’s findings and explains highlights of the proposed legislation. Read the full article → from Former selectwoman opposes Town Manager article; drafting committee releases final report

New bylaw would charge residents for repeat pumping assistance

Each time we get heavy rain, the fire department sends out crews and equipment to help residents pump out flooded basements. A new bylaw proposed by Fire Chief Joseph Mauro would charge residents who should be relying on a sump pump instead of the fire department to get out the water. Read the full article → from New bylaw would charge residents for repeat pumping assistance

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