Southborough’s first snow day of the year: What’s closed today (UPDATED)

It’s finally here: Southborough’s first official snow day of the season … if you don’t count the ones we had in October, that is. I haven’t been outside to measure, but it looks like about five or six inches of snow fell in our area since yesterday, and a bit more is expected to accumulate today. Read the full article → from Southborough’s first snow day of the year: What’s closed today (UPDATED)

Harvard suspends new experiments after fourth monkey dies in Southborough

Yesterday I told you the USDA would be taking a hard look at the Harvard-owned New England Primate Research Center after a monkey died under questionable circumstances in December – the third primate death in 19 months. Today comes word that a fourth monkey died on Sunday, on the very day the USDA released their report. Read the full article → from Harvard suspends new experiments after fourth monkey dies in Southborough

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