Discover the culture and sights of China at the Southborough Library on Thursday

Are you considering a trip to China or the Far East? Even if that journey is only in your mind, join us at the Southborough Library on Thursday evening, February 16, at 7:00 p.m., when Richard Ferland will present interesting stories of travel to China and a beautiful collection of photos from his extensive travel and work in China. Read the full article → from Discover the culture and sights of China at the Southborough Library on Thursday

Advisory Committee member says school committee uncooperative during budget process (UPDATED)

At the beginning of the budget season, Advisory Committee member John Butler volunteered to be the committee’s liaison to the K-8 School Committee. His goal was to help the finance committee better understand the school’s budget so it could make an informed recommendation to Town Meeting about what voters should approve. Read the full article → from Advisory Committee member says school committee uncooperative during budget process (UPDATED)

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