Save the date: Valentine’s Dance to benefit town scholarship fund – February 4

Each year the Southborough Town Scholarship Committee awards scholarships to deserving Southborough high school seniors and undergraduates. They’ve being doing it for nearly 25 years now. This year, the committee will hold a Valentine’s Dance to help raise funds for the program. Read the full article → from Save the date: Valentine’s Dance to benefit town scholarship fund – February 4

Get informed: Public meeting on town manager legislation – Monday, January 30

Voters at Town Meeting in April will face a decision that could fundamentally – and dramatically – change the way Southborough operates. It won’t be an easy decision, so it’s one we all need to get educated about. Here’s one great opportunity to do just that. Read the full article → from Get informed: Public meeting on town manager legislation – Monday, January 30

Southborough Project Respect to host anti-bullying workshop – Tuesday, January 31

Southborough Project Respect – a collaboration of town departments, parents, and the schools – will host an anti-bully workshop at Trottier next week. The program is intended to give parents, coaches, and those who work with children, hands-on strategies to deal with bullying and tools for building respectful cultures. Read the full article → from Southborough Project Respect to host anti-bullying workshop – Tuesday, January 31

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