Kindergroup says thanks for the Santa memories

Santa Day is about community. Not just the community of kids of all ages who turn out for a visit with the Jolly One, but also the community of local businesses and organizations that make Santa’s visit possible. The good folks at Southborough Kindergroup, who organize the yearly event, asked me to pass along their words of thanks for another successful year. Read the full article → from Kindergroup says thanks for the Santa memories

Breaking news: Two finalists for fire chief announced – UPDATED

After months of evaluation, the field of candidates vying for fire chief in Southborough has been whittled down from nearly 60 to just two. Assistant Town Administrator Vanessa Hale said yesterday the screening committee has voted to recommend Brian Moriarty and Fred Mitchell for the position. The two men will go before the Board of Selectmen next week for final interviews. Read the full article → from Breaking news: Two finalists for fire chief announced – UPDATED

Eldridge to host community forum on October storm outages – Thursday

Not many of you made it to the National Grid hearing held by the Department of Public Utilities last month, but those of you interested in sharing your opinions on how the utilities prepared for and responded to the storm will have another chance. On Thursday, Senator Jamie Eldridge, who represents Southborough along with a number of other towns, will hold a public forum focusing on the utilities. Read the full article → from Eldridge to host community forum on October storm outages – Thursday

Ten miles of toilet paper: St. Mark’s tries to break mathematical record

Try this experiment. Go get yourself a length of toilet paper. Now fold it in half crosswise. Fold it in half again and again. It won’t take long – maybe three or four folds – before the paper won’t stay folded anymore. Now try taking 53,000 feet of toilet paper and folding it in half over and over. That’s exactly what a group of students from St. Mark’s did last week. Read the full article → from Ten miles of toilet paper: St. Mark’s tries to break mathematical record

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