Southborough life and wellness coach celebrating success with an open house on Saturday

Southborough resident Marilyn Taylor is marking 20 years as a life, health, and wellness coach, and she’s inviting you to help her celebrate at an open house this weekend. A group of her artist friends will also be there showing off their creations, and there will be food and celebratory beverages. Read the full article → from Southborough life and wellness coach celebrating success with an open house on Saturday

Gobron agrees to show town what funding cut would mean

At a meeting earlier this month to set budget priorities for the upcoming year, the K-8 school committee was noncommittal about the town’s request to submit a budget that is reduced by 1% over the current year, saying only that they would “present what is reasonable for the schools.” For his part, Superintendent Charles Gobron said this week he is willing to fullfill the town’s request. Read the full article → from Gobron agrees to show town what funding cut would mean

Southborough committee encourages residents to get a home energy audit

The weather has been mild lately, but we all know that winter is just around the corner, and with it higher energy bills. The Southborough Green Technology and Recycling Committee is promoting a way to help residents lower their utility bills, and do some good for the environment at the same time. Read on for Read the full article → from Southborough committee encourages residents to get a home energy audit

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