Town boards say their members should be elected, not appointed

As a committee of residents considers legislation that if approved by voters would move Southborough to a town manager form of government, one of the things they will make a recommendation on is which town boards should be elected and which should be appointed. Two boards that are currently elected – the Board of Health and the Library Board of Trustees – have both said they want to remain that way. Read the full article → from Town boards say their members should be elected, not appointed

Southborough-owned businesses invite you to Ladies Night on Tuesday

On Tuesday join Mamas n Divas and Fit Studio 28 for an evening of fitness, beauty, refreshments, and fun. The two Southborough-owned businesses will be offering special deals and promotions during their Ladies Night event, and have invited a number of other local businesses to do the same. Read the full article → from Southborough-owned businesses invite you to Ladies Night on Tuesday

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