Reminder: The deadline to submit your resident survey is FRIDAY

Would you vote for a Proposition 2-1/2 override? What is your biggest concern when considering options for trash and recycling? Would you attend Town Meeting if it was moved to a different day? Would you recommend living in Southborough to others? Now is your chance to voice your opinions on these questions and more through the town-wide citizen survey sent out late last month. Read the full article → from Reminder: The deadline to submit your resident survey is FRIDAY

Girls lacrosse league expands to include younger players – registration opens tomorrow

New players can sign up for the spring girls lacrosse season starting tomorrow. The Northborough-Southborough Girls Lacrosse (NSGL) league is open to girls in both towns in grades 3 through 8. New this year, the league is expanding to include players in first and second grades, as well. Read the full article → from Girls lacrosse league expands to include younger players – registration opens tomorrow

School committee sets priorities for upcoming budget debate

Each year the K-8 school committee defines a set of priorities to help guide them as they put together a budget for the upcoming year. At a meeting last night, the school committee said their top priorities for this budget season are to focus on personnel and improve the student-teacher ratio. Read the full article → from School committee sets priorities for upcoming budget debate

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