Post season begins for Algonquin basketball and hockey; Gymnastics misses states by a fraction

The Algonquin boys and girls basketball teams hope to be tough to beat in the postseason this year. Both had stellar regular seasons, and are entering the district playoffs with high rankings, while the Algonquin gymnastics team, a postseason stalwart, missed out on a trip to the state competition this year by a fraction of a point. Read the full article → from Post season begins for Algonquin basketball and hockey; Gymnastics misses states by a fraction

United Parishes of Southborough Lenten Series begins on Tuesday

The United Parishes of Southborough will kick off their 12th Annual Lenten Series on Tuesday evening. The theme of this year’s series is “A Whole Life: Finding Shalom.” For the next four weeks, local clergy will discuss staying healthy and connected to God, finding peace, and nurturing all parts of the self in these busy times. Read the full article → from United Parishes of Southborough Lenten Series begins on Tuesday

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