Southborough cable access group seeks volunteers for new board of directors

Last month the Board of Selectmen signed off on a plan to create a non-profit entity to manage the cable access system in Southborough with the goal of creating more programming for cable access viewers. The next step in the process is to establish a board of directors for the non-profit, and for that, the town needs volunteers. Read the full article → from Southborough cable access group seeks volunteers for new board of directors

Election season starts today: Here’s how to run for office in Southborough

The kick-off to Southborough’s election season begins today, with nomination papers now available in the Town Clerk’s office. There are a number of elected positions up for grabs this year, both high profile ones and not. If you’ve been thinking about getting involved in how our town is run, one of these positions might just be for you. Read the full article → from Election season starts today: Here’s how to run for office in Southborough

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