Selectman: Mistakes were made in case of registered sex offender

When the Southborough Police Department announced the arrest of a registered sex offender on child pornography charges earlier this week, it came to light that the suspect lived on East Main Street in close proximity to one of the town’s preschools. Many of you have asked how that could happen when the town enacted a bylaw in 2008 to prohibit sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of schools, day cares, and other facilities. Read the full article → from Selectman: Mistakes were made in case of registered sex offender

The Heritage Day road race has been canceled

The Southborough Rotary Club announced today it was forced to cancel its annual Heritage Day road race scheduled for Sunday, October 7, due to low pre-race registration. This year was to be the 36th annual running of the Heritage Day 5K. All proceeds from the race were to benefit the Southborough Food Pantry and Rotary International’s effort to eradicate polio. Read the full article → from The Heritage Day road race has been canceled

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