Care package drive this weekend to honor Southborough’s Steve Whynot

Since 2005 Southborough residents Lisa Braccio and Debbie Depp Wilson have organized semi-annual care package drives to benefit troops serving overseas. In that time they’ve shipped off in the neighborhood of 7,800 boxes filled with the comforts of home. This weekend, they hope to add to that total. Read the full article → from Care package drive this weekend to honor Southborough’s Steve Whynot

MWDN: Gulbankians to ask Southborough to take back orders for costly work

The Gulbankian family has until the end of the month to complete a list of repairs to its Mt. Vickery Road businesses that were ordered by the town in 2011, but in a recent filing the family has asked the Zoning Board of Appeals to remove the two most costly repairs. Read the full article → from MWDN: Gulbankians to ask Southborough to take back orders for costly work

Amid low turnout voters approve expanding the Board of Selectmen

Southborough is one step closer to a 5-member Board of Selectmen, as voters yesterday soundly approved a controversial measure to expand the board from its current three members. The proposal now goes to the Legislature, and if approved, it will represent the first significant structural change to the board since Colonial times. Read the full article → from Amid low turnout voters approve expanding the Board of Selectmen

Southborough author celebrates release of third novel with book signing event at Tatnuck – Tuesday, May 14

Tomorrow is a big day for Conway Sax fans. The third installment of Southborough author Steve Ulfelder’s mystery series featuring Sax, a Metrowest-based auto mechanic turned reluctant detective, will be released on Tuesday. I for one, can’t wait to discover what trouble Sax finds himself in this time. Read the full article → from Southborough author celebrates release of third novel with book signing event at Tatnuck – Tuesday, May 14

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